Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Approximate size of the proposed Maintenance Compound Facility

Looking West: Proposed Maintenance Building Compound (40' x 150') will block the current walking path and have an adjacent outdoor parking area for vehicles and material storage that is not identified in the site plan.

Approximate size of the maintenance shed facing West as you walk into the maintenance area.  The Maintenance Compound stretches from the edge of the current facility to the picnic tables next to the horse shoe pit. 
Looking North:The main building is 15' tall by 80' long. A 40' fence is not seen in the outline.
A central 3200 square foot building is flanked with two large outdoor storage areas with an eight foot fence. The Maintenance Building compound is 40' x 150' is the approximate size of a old fashioned car wash.  The Central building has a wall 15' tall by 80' long.   
Looking East from edge of building: Parking, materials and debris storage will be outside the Compound

The "drive through" design cannot fit our vehicles inside and there will be a parking lot outside with material and landscaping debris storage.  

This design is about DOUBLE the existing footprint and will require vehicles to turn around in the meadow 450' to the East.

We believe only a narrow walk path along the stream bank and drainage canal and the horse shoe pit will remain open to public access.  The CSD has not articulated boundaries.

Why not?

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