A blog about Marinwood-Lucas Valley and the Marin Housing Element, politics, economics and social policy. The MOST DANGEROUS BLOG in Marinwood-Lucas Valley.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
California Uber Alles
I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon I will be President
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon I will be President
Carter power will soon go away
I will be fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school
I will be fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school
California Uber Alles
California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Uber Alles California
California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Uber Alles California
Zen fascists will control you 100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on the white horse is near
The hippies won't come back, you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay
The hippies won't come back, you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay
California Uber Alles
California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Uber Alles California
California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Uber Alles California
Now it is 1984
Knock, knock at your front door
It's the suede-denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece
Knock, knock at your front door
It's the suede-denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece
Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes, here's a pretty flower
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes, here's a pretty flower
Die on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown
Who are these BARF people Anyhow? -George Lucas's Astroturf Housing Activist Mercenaries
Who are these BARF people Anyhow? - George Lucas's Astroturf Housing Activist Mercenaries
Like a nobleman of old, flogging a peasant for casting a shadow upon his path, George Lucas is using his neighbors as his whipping boy. |
Earlier this week, I was notified by a social activist friend in San Francisco that a group calling themselves SFBARF may be coming to town to create disruption and advocate for the Grady Ranch project, "The Revenge Villas". While, the generous gift of affordable housing is appreciated, the local middle class community of Marinwood-Lucas Valley will be stuck with millions of dollars of development costs for roads, sewer and water, new schools, public safety and fifty years of tax free status. His attorney, former supervisor, and millionaire lobbyist , Gary Giacomini, says George thinks there are "too many millionaires" igniting class warfare against Marin.
In addition, he has enlisted the help of his Hollywood PR firm to spread the message of "St. George helps the poor, from the Greedy Millionaires next Door" B.S. George Lucas is one of the RICHEST MEN IN THE WORLD with BILLIONS to spend. Like a nobleman of old, flogging a peasant for casting a shadow upon his path, he is using our community as his whipping boy.
The issue of Housing Redevelopment is as much about Democracy and Class Warfare as it is about issues of Water, Traffic and Urbanism. The political and social elites are justifying the destruction of communities to rebuild them in their imagine Smart Growth Utopia as a "necessity to eliminate sprawl (the suburbs). They will use "any means necessary" to achieve their ends including inciting class warfare, suspension of the local political process, onerous taxation and the destruction of property rights. Unfortunately, it appears they are also willing to use these feckless BARFers from San Francisco to foster class hatred and call us "Millionaire NIMBYS".
We will not let this happen. We will Save Marin Again!
Who is SFBARF?
From the Berkeley Daily Planet HERE
On the left you’ll see a longtime Berkeley consultant who often fronts for developers, Tim Frank. Next to him is Jon Schwark, who told people at the table that he’s lived in a rent-controlled San Francisco apartment for twenty years after moving here from Oklahoma Kansas. Next to him there’s another Midwestern transplant, Ian Monroe from Missouri, in Berkeley for a bit over 2 years, a techie who commutes to San Francisco for work. The guy on the far right, the one wearing the 60s’ style prairie dress and the straw bonnet, is Alfred, the cartoonist.
The small person crouched under the table is, probably, one Libby Lee-Egan, a child, though she’s hard to identify in this photo.
Missing here, but reported to have been present, is Sonja Trauss. She’s the subject of a remarkable article which appeared in today’s San Francisco Business Times:
The story reveals that Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman has given Trauss $10,000 for her personal use.
“I wanted to help her personally with a financial gift since she recently gave up her job as an educator to devote herself full time to activism,” he told the SFBT. Activism seems to pay better than it used to in the olden days, doesn’t it?
From the SF examiner:
- Sonja Trauss, founder of the San Francisco Bay Area Renters Federation, says many people in San Francisco are against building new housing, which is why prices are high.
Sonja Trauss is an energetic 33-year-old math teacher from Philadelphia who moved to the Bay Area three years ago.
Like countless others, she found the search for a place to live in San Francisco less than welcoming. In fact, it was impossible.
That still does not sit well with her.
"I was immediately priced out," the West Oakland resident recently told The San Francisco Examiner.
After much grousing, Trauss did some research and concluded that the cause of this dilemma was
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Gary Giacomini's Angry Rant against Scenic Marin.
The former Gary Giacomini rails against Scenic Highways for Marin because it may interfere with his plans for development. The long time Supervisor first made news when leading the fight to save West Marin from development. These days he is back in private practice utilizing his political contacts to push development at Grady Ranch and Silveria Ranch. These are two major projects that are expected to earn him millions in fees.
Such as sad end for a man who once was an environmental crusader. He is the largest single financial backer of Steve Kinsey, Katie Rice, Judy Arnold and Kate Sears. What does his money buy?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Earth Day Overload: Gov. Jerry's Brown Apocalyptic "Warning to Humanity"
Earth Day Overload: Gov. Jerry's Brown Apocalyptic "Warning to Humanity"
Hit the snooze bar on environmentalist alarmism. Virtually everything is getting better when it comes to the state of the planet.
The last time we checked in with Jerry Brown, California's governor for life, he was channeling his best Zen-fascist aura, taking a break from hawking a monstrously stupid and expensive high-speed rail project, and forcing Golden State residents
This, despite the inconvenient truth that California's highly subsidized agribultural sector uses 80 percent of the state's available water, often to grow water-intensive crops such as almonds and alfalfa. For all that, ag contributes a puny 2 percent of the state's GDP. So by all means, squeeze residential users rather than, I don't know, introduce markets, property rights, and real prices into water consumption.
But today is Earth Day, so Brown, the subject of what is to my mind one of the greatest political protest songs ever (California Uber Alles, by the Dead Kennedys), is upping End-of-Worldism that has often accompanied his rhetoric. He has now issued the following "Warning to Humanity":
Five inextricably linked areas must be addressed simultaneously:1. We must bring environmentally damaging activities under control to restore and protect the integrity of the earth's systems we depend on. We must, for example, move away from fossil fuels to more benign, inexhaustible energy sources to cut greenhouse gas emissions and the pollution of our air and water. Priority must be given to the development of energy sources matched to third world needs--small scale and relatively easy to implement. We must halt deforestation, injury to and loss of agricultural land, and the loss of terrestrial and marine plant and animal species.2. We must manage resources crucial to human welfare more effectively. We must give high priority to efficient use of energy, water, and other materials, including expansion of conservation and recycling.3. We must stabilize population. This will be possible only if all nations recognize that it requires improved social and economic conditions, and the adoption of effective, voluntary family planning.4. We must reduce and eventually eliminate poverty.5. We must ensure sexual equality, and guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.
This sort of thing is pro forma on Earth Day, despite the fact that many of the causes and concerns that spurred the first Earth Day are in fact much, much better. Air quality is better everywhere in the United States than it used to be (full disclosure: that's in large part to top-down regulations that libertarians typically rail against). So is water quality. Nobody's a litter bug anymore and trash is no longer a leading cause of aural stereotypes in public-service announcements (listen to the most-famous PSA ever and tell me its soundtrack isn't offensive to contemporary ears). The only people still hopped-up about overpopulation are, apparently, Jerry Brown, anti-immigration activists, anddisgruntled ex-Sierra Club supporters. As Jonathan V. Last documented in his excellent 2013 study,What to Expect When No One's Expecting, the global fertility rate was 6.0 in 1979; it's now at 2.52 and dropping so fast that 97 percent of the world's population lives in a country where fertility is declining.
As Ronald Baily, Reason's Science Correspondent, wrote in 2010 (when Earth Day turned 40), the environmentalist thinking behind the celebration has a long history of changing its goals once they are reached. Like the neocon militarists, greens don't seem to want to declare victory and bring the troops home. Rather, they want to reinvent the goals and aims of the movement and extend their mission. Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson, who more or less invented Earth Day, outlined initial goals for the environmentalist movement, including cleaning the country's air and water. Once those goals were attained, notes Bailey, Nelson issued a new set of wider-ranging goals, including:
- Establish the right of every citizen to plan his family.
- Establishment of a federal environmental advocacy agency.
- Halt pollution of our seas—moratorium on Outer Continental Shelf oil drilling.
- Establish a national environmental education program encompassing pre-school through college.
- Divert money from interstate highway construction to public transportation.
- National land use planning so as to “halt the chaotic unplanned combination of urban sprawl and industrial expansion.” This included a ban on strip mining and the filling of wetlands. In addition, he wanted to expand national parks and other reserves.
- Establish a national minerals and resource policy—change the mining law of 1872.
- Establish a nonpartisan national environmental political organization.
- Establish a national air and water quality policy.
Well, OK, then. All of that wouldn't just extend the mission, they would entail vast new powers to regulate and even micromanage people's lives in all sorts of ways. In a characteristically brilliant and still-prescient May 1999 piece about attempts to regulate human activity, former Reason Editor Virginia Postrel talked about how environmentalism offered a rationale for all sorts of regulation of everyday life. Free-market advocates understand externalities, she wrote, but the concept was becoming infinitely elastic in an era when networks and integrated systems were becoming the dominant metaphors about economics and global interactions.
Most of us have been willing to grant the problem of externalities in such areas as air pollution and to look for ways of addressing it with minimal disruption of market processes. But it's not that hard to declare that every market action has potentially negative spillover effects. The infinitely elastic version of the externality argument turns the language of market-oriented economics against the essential nature of commerce. Indeed, we increasingly see the externality argument aimed not at producers, the traditional target, but at consumers. My choice of which movies to watch creates cultural pollution. My purchase of convenient packaging produces environmental waste. My house color or garage facade does not please the neighbors. My purchase of consumer goods leads to "luxury fever" that hurts everyone. We are all connected in the marketplace, and therefore, in this view, our actions must be tightly regulated to contain spillovers.
Read Jerry Brown's warning and then Postrel's piece. Written in a different century, it nonetheless anticipates many of the themes Brown hammers on about and offers up a better way of thinking about progress, interconnectedness, and human action and freedom. In the same issue, she also writes about "the dangers of calling everything pollution."
And if you want a quick reminder of just how much better virtually every aspect of life is today on Spaceship Earth, take a quick peek at Ronald Bailey's review of the cutting-edge statement of environmentalist alarmism, Overdevelopment Overpopulation Overshoot. Dubbing the lushly illustrated tome "the big coffee table book of doom," Bailey writes:
On the back of the book, physicist Albert Bartlett starkly asks: "Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted, or advanced further increases in population, locally, nationally, or globally?" The folks at populationspeakout.org apparently think this is a devastating observation. But is it?In his insightful 2013 book The Infinite Resource, the technologist Ramez Naam counters such thoughts with another question: "Would your life be better off if only half as many people had lived before you?" In this thought experiment, you don't get to pick which people are never born. Perhaps there would have been no Newton, Edison, or Pasteur, no Socrates, Shakespeare, or Jefferson. "Each additional idea is a gift to the future," Naam writes. "Each additional idea producer is a source of wealth for future generations." Fewer people means fewer new ideas about how to improve humanity's lot and to further decouple our endeavors from the natural world. "If we fix our economic system and invest in the human capital of the poor," Naam writes, "then we should welcome every new person born as a source of betterment for our world and all of us on it."The goal of empowering women and girls is central to making the world a better place. It is the right thing to do regardless of the effects on future population trends, though the evidence does suggest that the results will please those worried about "overpopulation." Focusing just on the increase of human numbers is a distraction and misleads the public and policymakers from what really needs to be done for humanity and the natural world to flourish. Happy Earth Day 45!
Indeed, Earth Day 45 finds the planet and its people in surprisingly good shape. Not perfect by any stretch but like Joe Namath used to say, getting better-looking every day.
More Reason on Earth Day and environmentalism.
And for god's sake—Gaia's sake?—watch this Reason TV video about "The Top 5 Environmental Disasters That DIDN'T Happen":
San Francisco based Astroturf Developers Group comes to Marin to Lobby for Housing in Marinwood
Many housing advocates are paid "consulting fees" and expenses for their "testimony" |
[Editor's Note: This just in from Mary Stompe of Pep Housing 4/22/2015.From: Alfred <mail@firstcultural.com>Subject: [sfbarentersfed] Supporting the George Lucas Grady Ranch affordable housing projectDate: April 21, 2015 1:40:05 PM PDTTo: morganl@pephousing.org, marys@pephousing.org, info@rwhassociates.com, judyarnold@earthlink.net, jarnold@marincounty.org, skinsey@marincounty.org,ggiacomini@hansonbridgett.comCc: SK Trauss <sonja.trauss@gmail.com>, sfbarentersfed <sfbarentersfed@googlegroups.com>
AlfredGary, Steve, Judy, Mary, Morgan, and Robert:I'm writing to introduce you to the San Francisco Bay Area Renters' Federation, a group of people working to solve the Bay Area housing crisis by increasing housing supply throughout the region. Members speak at public hearings in favor of new housing development and write public officials to make sure the need for more housing is heard.The Grady Ranch project excites many members as it offers a large amount of new housing in a part of the bay that is among the least affordable. Please let us know how we can participate in the public process to help make this project a reality.
CC'd on this email is Sonja Trauss, SFBARF's founder and main organizer (sonja.trauss@gmail.com), as well as the group's mailing list. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sfbarentersfed Thanks,
==========================================================Thank you so much for your kind offer. We will be in touch in the near future. Thanks again.Mary Stompe, Executive DirectorPEP Housing951 Petaluma Blvd. SouthPetaluma, CA 94952Fax 707-762-4657
Here is a posting from one of their supporters. declaring war on the suburbs:
Is there a solution? Piece of cake: Take urban planning away from local officials; make it a regional decision. As long as land use is decided by neighborhood-elected city councils, nothing will change. Short of that real-world impossibility, a big step in the right direction would be to reform the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)."
I think here is where our paths intersect with traditional affordable housing activism. Rich areas need to be upzoned. I'd love to advocate for a ten story, 309-unit project in Palo Alto, however, right now it's so anti-development there that no developer is even proposing anything close to that size.
To call back to the Occupy days, rich neighborhoods need to be occupied - not just with tents this time, but new buildings.
Will Marinwood get a Marijuana Dispensery?
By Richard Halstead, Marin Independent Journal
County officials are moving closer to allowing medical marijuana dispensaries in Marin’s unincorporated areas — while the Fairfax woman who opened the first medical marijuana dispensary in the state continues her battle with federal authorities.
A subcommittee of the Board of Supervisors has been working for more than a year to develop an ordinance and hopes to have a model for the full board to consider later this year. Supervisors Judy Arnold and Damon Connolly make up the subcommittee.
Arnold said she and Connolly started with a template based on ordinances in Sonoma, Santa Rosa and Sebastopol after visiting some successful medical marijuana facilities in Sonoma County.
“We have an outline of a draft ordinance that the community development agency and county counsel are reviewing,” Arnold said. “They’re fine-tuning it.”
Connolly said he and Arnold will likely recommend approving three facilities spread out to serve the north, south and west regions of Marin.
“We’re making sure to create a process that is centered on licensing operators instead of a land use permit,” Connolly said. “It’s important to make sure that the operators are qualified.”
He said the ordinance would include safety features such as a 600- to 1,000-foot buffer from schools. [Editor's Note: This would qualify Marinwood Plaza and Big Rock Deli locations]
Arnold said the next step will be for the subcommittee to meet with key Marin County department heads to discuss the proposed ordinance.
“The sheriff and the district attorney may have some thoughts on this too,” said Deputy County Counsel David Zaltsman, who has been assisting Arnold and Connolly.
Arnold said after the department heads approve the draft ordinance, the subcommittee will meet with people who have demonstrated a special interest in the ordinance, such as prospective operators. Then she said the subcommittee will convene a public meeting to discuss the ordinance before bringing it to the full board for approval.
Connolly said, “We’re hoping to come before the full board with a proposed ordinance certainly within the next few months.”
One prospective dispensary operator is champing at the bit to get started.
“We’ve rented a location, and we’re just waiting to get approval,” said Alex Boggio, who operates a medical marijuana delivery service.
The space Boggio rented is next door to the Civic Center at 70 San Pablo Ave. Boggio said the site “has been marked by the Board of Supervisors as a location they would find acceptable. We’re hoping that when they’re ready to give out a permit we’ll be a little bit ahead of the game.”
Zaltsman said the county has created maps that show sites that are 600 to 1,000 feet from schools. “However, I do not believe the county — or even staff — has ever suggested that a given location might or might not be appropriate for a dispensary location,” Zaltsman said.
Last week, Boggio, together with San Rafael lawyer Scot Candell, also submitted a request to the county for a business license to operate Cannabiz Labs of Northern California, a “medical services laboratory,” at 70 San Pablo Ave.
Candell said their intent was to open a medical marijuana testing business so that patients can determine the potency of their marijuana and whether it contains impurities such as pesticides, mold or E. coli bacteria.
Roy Given, Marin County’s director of finance, said he rejected the request.
“Businesses have to be in compliance with applicable state and county ordinances,” Given said. “If it’s medical marijuana, we automatically decline any application for a business license.”
Last week weedmaps.com listed a medical marijuana dispensary operating under the name “The 7 Club” at 70 San Pablo Ave. The listing included a phone number, price ranges and days of operation. When reached at that number on Friday, Boggio said he was not doing business from that location.
At one time there were at least half a dozen medical marijuana collectives dispensing cannabis out of Marin County storefronts. After a crackdown by federal prosecutors in 2011, however, none remain. The last, Marin Holistic Solutions in Corte Madera, closed last summer after city officials declined to renew its use permit.
Lynnette Shaw, who opened the state’s first dispensary in Fairfax in 1996 after the passage of Proposition 215, California’s Compassionate Use Act, was forced to close that storefront in 2011. The closure followed a crackdown by the U.S. attorney’s office in San Francisco.
At about the same time, Shaw was notified by the Internal Revenue Service that she owed $10 million in back taxes. The IRS initially disallowed all of Shaw’s business deductions. Since then, the IRS has scaled back its demands, but the government is still seeking to recover $500,000 in back taxes from Shaw.
Last week Shaw launched a campaign at www.gofundme.com to raise the money she needs to mount a legal challenge to a federal civil injunction that bars her from working in any medical marijuana business. As of Tuesday, she had secured $1,250 in donations.
“I’m not employable anywhere in the industry because of the restriction, and I don’t really have any skills in other areas,” Shaw said.
Shaw is living off general assistance and food stamps. She said the IRS confiscated the $10,000 in savings that she had. Her car has been repossessed, and her future Social Security retirement benefits have been zeroed out.
Matt Greenberg of Sonoma penned a detailed account of Shaw’s travails for the www.gofundme.com plea. Greenberg wrote, “While thousands of (medical marijuana) clubs exist today throughout the United States, the true pioneer and activist, the one at the forefront of this movement remains destitute and destroyed.”
[Editor's Note: Why does the unincorporated areas get the dispensaries, homeless shelters, and subsidized housing? Simple. Four of the Five Supervisors are unaccountable to local community. We need representation from ALL the Supervisors. Time to change voting law to allow us to vote on EACH supervisor.]
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
George Lucas PR Machine sells his HOUSING Plan on CNN
See the Propaganda HERE.
Is this actually news? Seriously, I wonder if it was a paid endorsement. What is the news value of this piece? Was any journalistic standard of fairness followed? Apparently, they want to put out the message that we are all millionaires in Marinwood-Lucas Valley instead of the reality that we are a middle class community with an average family income barely over the $88,000 threshold that the county determines as "low income". WE WILL BE PAYING THE TAXES and infrastructure upgrades for Grady Ranch project NOT the politicians and the LIMOUSINE PROGRESSIVES that live miles away. It is actually funny that a CELEBRITY BILLIONAIRE is complaining about millionaires.
Apparently, he does not consider them worthy neighbors.
Is this actually news? Seriously, I wonder if it was a paid endorsement. What is the news value of this piece? Was any journalistic standard of fairness followed? Apparently, they want to put out the message that we are all millionaires in Marinwood-Lucas Valley instead of the reality that we are a middle class community with an average family income barely over the $88,000 threshold that the county determines as "low income". WE WILL BE PAYING THE TAXES and infrastructure upgrades for Grady Ranch project NOT the politicians and the LIMOUSINE PROGRESSIVES that live miles away. It is actually funny that a CELEBRITY BILLIONAIRE is complaining about millionaires.
Apparently, he does not consider them worthy neighbors.
A User’s Guide To Dealing With Trolls On The Internet
A User’s Guide To Dealing With Trolls On The Internet
Here is your hazmat suit for the toxic garbage dump known as the ‘net.
posted on Dec. 10, 2014, at 9:59 a.m.
2014 has been an especially bad year to exist as a human on the internet. It’s felt as though a fog of animosity rolled in and engulfed all our interactions; almost no one was left completely untouched from some sort of awful interaction with a stranger online. As someone who has spent too much of her own time eating bugs from the rank waters of the internet swamp, I hope to share some advice on how to navigate through the fog.
First of all, real trolls aren’t like you and me.
They’re not just someone with a different opinion. Real trolls come from deep down in the swamps of the internet, where their bad attitudes have been preserved in the peat bogs for years. They come from places such as Reddit and late ’90s-looking message boards and multiplayer online video games, where their most treasured pastime is hurling insults at one another for hours on end. Imagine the Ivan Drago training montage in Rocky IV, but instead of doing pull-ups in a lab, it’s sitting on Reddit for, like, four years straight. They’re Teflon.
[I should clarify the definition of troll as it applies to this post. From here out, we are talking about real honest-to-god trolls, not just “someone who disagrees with me.”]
To be dreadfully honest, it doesn’t look great for you: They are masters. They have been training all of their lives for this moment, and you’re just some schmuck who decided to sign up for Twitter a few years ago to shoot some ideas off the dome. It is arrogant to think that you can win against them. It’d be like if you showed up to a law firm and asked to try a few cases because you watch The Good Wife.
It gets worse. These lunkheaded goons from the primordial internet ooze aren’t just haphazardly hurling random insults at each other (or you, if you’re an unlucky target). True trolls of the internet take their craft seriously, and spend hours analyzing how to argue. Think of the fedora atheists who love “debating” so much they have several subreddits devoted to it (r/DebateAnAntheist, r/DebateAChristian) and proudly post all the sick owns they deliver to their high school friends on Facebook. They obsess over terms like “logical fallacy” and “strawman argument” as if they believe they could be transported through time into the Scopes trial. They love discussing the art and science of internet arguing just as much as they love actually delivering sick owns on the ‘net. They have been training for this moment their whole teen lives and, like Ivan Drago, they will break you.
This is where I have to tell you the bad news: You will never win against them.
I’m sorry. This sucks. I wish I had something more hopefully to impart to you. The truth is, if you are reading this article on BuzzFeed dot com right now, you are probably already too well-adjusted to win an argument against a true internet troll. However, you are likely enough of an internet native that you have some experience with trolls or arguing on the internet. A recent Pew surveyfound that 40% of online adults have experienced some sort of harassment or name-calling, and 8% have been physically threatened. A YouGov survey found that 30% of adult men and 18% of adult women have “argued with someone about an opinion” on the internet.
However, of these descriptions of online harassment, only 38% said their harrasser was a stranger — a true internet troll. Friends, exes, co-workers, and even family were frequently the ones responsible for internet unkindness. Here’s an example from Pew’s survey: “my own brother calling me racist for not supporting Obama and for disagreeing with his policies.”
This is clearly not a good situation, but there’s an important distinction, here: Your brother is not an internet troll; he’s just a guy who disagrees with you. You can disarm your libtard brother by reminding him of the time he crapped his pants at Disneyland. You cannot win against a real internet troll. You have zero hand.
So that’s where I come in. I am here to help you get over your ego that keeps telling you have a chance to “win.” There is no “win” here on the ‘net.
The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be.
Consider this Wondermark comic about an annoying sea lion:
The idea of “sea-lioning” is to be a sort of overly polite yet insistent pest, to be so passively annoying that you goad your target into exploding in anger at you, thereby making you the victim. GamerGate has found this tactic so useful that its main subreddit, r/KotakuInAciton uses a photo of a sea lion as the page header, and the movement named its campaign of emailing advertisers for websites its followers don’t like as “Operation Sea Lion.” The idea is to be so polite in your emails that no one will think you’re an internet troll.
Do you realize how devious that is? That is is so much smarter than you’ll ever be. You would’ve never thought of that!
And that’s why you will not win. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, here since you seem like an excellent human. But that’s the problem. You’ve got no chance.
But it’s not all bad news!
Although you will never WIN an argument online, you do have one huge tool in your arsenal, which you can use over and over again. Allow me introduce you to the art of Not Responding.
Not Responding is both underrated and completely powerful. It lacks the showiness of Responding because you don’t get the glory of a Perfect Own, but don’t sweat it. You’d never really get that Perfect Own anyway. The Perfect Own is like the Fountain of Youth; it’s a desert mirage, a fever dream, and searching for it will leave you broken, weak, and perhaps dead from a poison-tipped arrow (just ask Ponce de León…or should I say, Ponce de Leown…nailed it).
Don’t think of Not Responding as forfeiting your turn at bat, but rather as a bunt. A sacrifice for the team. Not Responding has its own power too: There’s a layer of mystery (“did they not SEE my insult?”) and elitism (the implied “not worth my time to even reply”).
It’s common for a troll to say they’re in it “for the lulz.” When dealing with tried and true trolls please do not underestimate the power of “for the lulz.” That’s the same modus operandi teenagers cite — “boredom” — for why they carved something in the study hall desks or got a tattoo. And think about how many teens get tattoos! Literally, like SO MANY. Tattoos are totally normal now!
One of the key elements of true trolling that we often forget is that trolls don’t actually mean it; they’re just trying to stir shit. When a troll hops in and says, “Actually, Hitler was cool,” they don’t believe Hitler was cool — they’re just trying to get you mad. Because, as you very well know, Hitler is not actually cool.
But the moment you fall for it and scream back, “Actually, Hitler is WAY not cool!” you have already lost. Please look into Not Responding as a lifestyle.
But! And let me be very, very, very clear, here: This isn’t to say that people experiencing harassment online should just keep a stiff upper lip and take it. This is to say that if you are experiencing harassment online, your best strategy may be to resist the temptation to argue back and stoop to the same level as your harasser.
What’s happened in the last few years is a new mingling of two groups of people: old-school message board trolls and normal humans. It used to be easy to avoid the troll lairs, since they were obscure sites and the teen monsters lurking were siloed off to call each other “fags” back and forth. Now, the two groups are mixing together on places like Twitter and Tumblr. This has resulted in a very serious imbalance of trolling powers. One group has been training for years how to be an asshole online, and the other is a complete novice. It’s like if the New York Yankees showed up for a Little League game.
You (the normal people) are gentrifying the trolls’ neighborhood. The internet is where they live, and chances are they have been here for much longer than you. You tore down their homes and built a Starbucks. If this were a movie, 4chan’s venomous /pol/ board would be the rec center run by a kindly old priest that they are trying to save from the Acme Corp developers. This is the mind-set the troll will have as he puts you in his sights — it’s a flaccid attempt at taking back the moral high ground.
Before you despair, though, I would be remiss if I did not address one key element of the troll that should give you some solace: your hellish troll isprobably a teen boy. Places like 4chan or Reddit, even Twitter and Tumblr, act as a sort of locker room where young men tease one another to jockey for some sort of alpha status, and try to impress each other with transgressive behavior. Doxxing and harassing strangers is equivalent to smoking cigarettes under the bleachers to seem cool to your peers.
Remember this when your instinct is to say something really nasty in response. This is probably literally a child talking to you. If it wasn’t for teen boys saying “stfu bitch” on Twitter to me every now and then, I’d have zero contact with teenage boys at all. Do not be mean to children. Remember the “don’t punch down” rule. And for women receiving harassment on Twitter, congrats! That means you have something to say that is powerful enough that someone is threatened. You have the upper hand, and responding will be punching down.
I wish I had a better answer here. I wish that I had any idea how to actually stop online harassment at a root level, but I just don’t. The truth is it sucks and it hurts and it goes against ever fiber of your humanity to sit there when someone is saying awful things to you. Your blood should boil, your pulse should race. I’ve literally been kept awake at night being angry that a stranger said something nasty to me on the internet (please forget I ever admitted that). You shouldwonder how seriously to take a threat or real violence. If you don’t, you’re not human.
We should not have to take it or tolerate it. It’s not an issue of being “butthurt”; it’s the issue of misogyny and racism and how these teen boys are being taught to normalize those behaviors. The sad truth is that I just don’t have any solutions to offer for how to actually stop it. All I can offer is my advice on how to minimize the mental energy it saps out of you.
Godspeed and stay safe out there on the ‘net, my friends.
Katie Notopoulos is a senior editor for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. Notopoulos writes about the intersection of tech and web culture.
Contact Katie Notopoulos at katie@buzzfeed.com
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