Are you convinced yet that we won't have "business as usual" this Summer?
Since I last wrote you
1.) School has been canceled for the remainder of the year
2.) Marin County Fair has been cancelled.
3.) Fourth of July parade in Novato has been cancelled
4.) The Assistant Medical Officer at MHHS has warned us that we will not return to "normal" for the rest of the year or several years in the future.https://www.marinij. com/2020/04/14/marin-county- to-extend-coronavirus-stay-at- home-order/
5.) Marin orders mandatory masks for everyone.
All is not lost. There is much positive news too. The curve is flattening, Marin has far fewer cases than expected , new drugs will be coming to market and a vaccine may be ready in 2021. Coronavirus often disappears during the warm weather and returns in the Fall.
Good news but far from normal.
Everywhere cities are revising their budgets but we have still haven't heard a peep from Marinwood CSD. You didn't meet Tuesday, April 14th because you had "nothing to discuss".
It seems like there is much to discuss and fast.
Will the Marinwood CSD 1.) postpone the pool season 2.) mothball summer programs and 3) postpone the Maintenance Facility project ?
All will be necessary to weather the storm of a $2 million dollar loss. At some point, we will return to normal but it is obviously time to "trim the sails". A hurricane is upon us. Let's do the right things now to protect "the ship" and know that better days are ahead.
I look forward to hearing from you. I expect you must meet soon. Please let the public know what the CSD is doing to preserve our future.
Hope all is well with you and your family during this shut down.
All the best,
Stephen Nestel
P.S. Keep in mind that any sacrifices made by the CSD at this time are just a fraction of the catastrophic losses suffered by workers and owners of small businesses. Many of the decisions will be tough for the CSD but nothing to compare to the totality of the losses experienced by some.