Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Print your own flyer to distribute in your neighborhood

According to the 2012 Marin County Housing Element, plans are underway to build large high density housing apartment developments throughout Lucas Valley from Silvera Ranch (across the 101 highway) to Big Rock. These developments include Marinwood plaza, Big Rock Deli, Rotary Field, Grady Ranch and more.
Over 83%* of all low income housing in unincorporated Marin may be built in Lucas Valley if you do nothing to stop it! This means our community of 6000 may grow by 20% and taxpayers will have to pick up the tab for more schools, police, fire and new public infrastructure.
Find out more by logging on to www.savemarinwood.org, join our mail list and attend our meetings.  We need help getting the word out. Committees are forming now. Specialists in web design, accounting, finances, biology, planning, real estate law, public speaking, and people of all skills are needed.  This is a grassroots effort and every person can make a positive contribution.
The politicians, planning bureaucrats and developers are meeting in closed door sessions now, planning the future of Marinwood-Lucas Valley. Shouldn’t you have a voice in our future too?
You can make a difference.  Spread the word. Find out what you can do, sign a petition and check the latest news, important weblinks and articles at:
Important dates:
Today: Learn more about Marin County housing element. Tell your neighbor. Volunteer.
Monday, October 8, 2012 1-5pm: Planning Commission Workshop to discuss/approve changes to 2012 Housing element.  Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 328, San Rafael, Ca Please try to attend.  This is the most important meeting to be heard.
For More info Call Stephen Nestel (415) 937-1208
*Source: 2012 Draft Marin County Housing Element (9/21/2012)