Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Marinwood Maintenance Shed map site plan is filled with misrepresentations

Click on map for full size

Who needs an Accurate Map?

The site plan map submitted by the Marinwood CSD  is hugely inaccurate.  It misrepresents the existence of an intermittent stream, top of stream band, a setback of 20’ and claims that bare dirt as an “existing improvement”. 

As of 2007 Marin General Plan, the setback requirement for parcels greater than 2 acres is 100’ or more from the top of stream bank per the Stream Conservation Ordinance. The map shows a 20’ setback. The Marin County Assesors data shows a 120’ setback for the 14.12 acre parcel known as Marinwood Park.

It is believed the map is USGS “Novato” (2002) and the stream bank changed during the 2006 floods. The top of streambank is how setbacks are determined.  It also omits an intermittent stream which has 120’ setback too.

Tell the CSD to “slow down”  and seek public approval.

Sign the Petition HERE

The "public" meeting about the Maintenance Shed where only five members of the public were invited

Marinwood CSD Director sent out only five invitations to the public for a required public forum on the Marinwood CSD Maintenance Facility.  He describes it as an "update" in the posted agenda but it was a full presentation by Bill Hansell, Architect and Former CSD Board Member detailing the plans.

In 2017,  many people attended a presentation on the proposed maintenance shed.  The CSD was surprised that the public did not agree to their plan and hid the meeting in April 2018 in violation of Brown Act laws and the spirit of democracy.

Who does the Marinwood CSD board think they are?  Why does the CSD Manager hide such a major project from the public?  Bill Hansell, Architect was on the board when Eric Dreikosen was hired.  Is this Quid pro Quo?

Many questions need to be answered.  The Marinwood CSD has not even established a budget for this project but expects it to exceed $200,000 plus architects fees. A utilitarian prefab structure can be purchased for as little as $10,000 installed.

What is going on at the Marinwood CSD?

Stop the White Elephant in Marinwood Park

Click on picture for a full size image

Sign the petition HERE 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Why hasn't the Architect submitted a bill since May 2018? (What are they hiding?)

Watch these videos together.  In the first one a Citizen asks why the architect for the Marinwood Maintenance Shed Compound has not submitted a bill since May 2018.  He has attended many meetings since then and it appears that he is "sandbagging" his billing to keep under the $12,000 limit that CSD Manager, Eric Dreikosen estimated in April 2018 in the second video.

We are not getting the full story from the Marinwood CSD.  They have refused to release an estimated budget for the Maintenance Compound.  This is unethical and in violation of the Brown Act and the spirit of open government.  

Can we trust the CSD to represent OUR financial interests?

Monday, December 23, 2019

Marin Coalition present Rebels with a Cause


The Making of the Quintessential Marin Documentary”


 Nancy Kelly and Kenji Yamamoto

Filmmakers:  Kelly+Yamamoto Productions

The modern history of Marin County is a tale of unexpected drama and courage. While planners and developers penciled out a scheme to grow the region’s population and ramp up infrastructure and density as far as Pt. Reyes, others had a different vision in mind. In December, we welcome the award-winning creators of the astonishing film Rebels with a Cause, which tells the story of a dedicated band of activists whose vision and tenacity completely changed the County’s trajectory decades ago, thereby preserving what we all enjoy today-- For more information about the film and the film makers visit:

They Saved Marin in the 50s and 60s from this Awful Future

Editor's Note: You simply must go to this wonderful new website to see the San Francisco Bay that might have been HERE .  It is a wonderful tribute to the gallant efforts of people to save our treasured county.  It is a positive crime that the same forces of urbanization are being championed by Steve Kinsey, Kate Sears and Katie Rice under the false flag of environmentalism. Plan Bay Area imposes rapid urbanization of Marin and the other counties in the Bay Area. These are just a few of the stories.  We will Save Marin Again!

Marincello: Invisible City

Marincello may be the iconic example of “what might have been”. Instead of miles of hiking trails, epic vista points, and the occasional bobcat or hawk sighting, one could find themselves standing amongst cul-de-sacs ringed by multiple-car garages and private backyards.

Such was the aim of Marincello, a planned community for 25,000 residents on 2,100 Headland acres proposed in 1964 by Pittsburgh developer Thomas Frouge. The plan included model homes, a mile-long mall, and central high-rise hotel. Financially backing the project was Gulf Oil.

Support for the plan came from local newspapers and on November 12, 1965, the Marin County Board of Supervisors approved the Marincello plan. According to John Hart: “Three attorneys labored on this seemingly lost cause: Robert Praetzel of San Rafael, and Martin Rosen and Douglas Ferguson of Sausalito… ‘I got involved not so much for an environmental purpose as a civic

Sunday, December 22, 2019



     THE TORTOISE, you know, carries his house on his back. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot leave home. They say that Jupiter punished him so, because he was such a lazy stay-at-home that he would not go to Jupiter's wedding, even when especially invited.

After many years, Tortoise began to wish he had gone to that wedding. When he saw how gaily the birds flew about and how the Hare and the Chipmunk and all the other animals ran nimbly by, always eager to see everything there was to be seen, the Tortoise felt very sad and discontented. He wanted to see the world too, and there he was with a house on his back and little short legs that could hardly drag him along.

One day he met a pair of Ducks and told them all his trouble.
"We can help you to see the world," said the Ducks. "Take hold of this stick with your teeth and we will carry you far up in the air where you can see the whole countryside. But keep quiet or you will be sorry."

The Tortoise was very glad indeed. He seized the stick firmly with his teeth, the two Ducks took hold of it one at each end, and away they sailed up toward the clouds.


Just then a Crow flew by. He was very much astonished at the strange sight and cried:

"This must surely be the King of Tortoises!"

"Why certainly—" began the Tortoise.

But as he opened his mouth to say these foolish words he lost his hold on the stick, and down he fell to the ground, where he was dashed to pieces on a rock.

Foolish curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune.

A White Elephant Stampede for a Maintenance Compound at the Marinwood CSD

A White Elephant Stampede for a Maintenance Compound at the Marinwood CSD

The Marinwood Maintenance Facility has a few "problems"

I get tired of fighting for the right of an honest government process.   The Marinwood Maintenance Shed project has been everything but honest.  

Fortunately, the CSD antics have caught the eye of the Community Development and they will require public review of the project.  It may be our only chance at being heard. 

We have a lot to say.

1. The project is too big.   Heck you can literally drive a truck through it!  As those of us who have examined the plans in detail realize,  it is grossly over scaled for our 14 acre park.   McInnis Park is 450 acres yet their six person staff is quite content with 1200 square feet of office and garage space.  Our three workers are outside 90% of the time and don't need exclusive indoor workshops with showers etc.

2. The project is too expensive.  In February, Eric Dreikosen announced that he was in talks with a mysterious architect  that would cost $12,000 for the ENTIRE PROJECT.  Two months later Hansell Design billed $11,931.73  by May 2018.  He hasn't billed or submitted time sheets since that date but we expect his total billing to exceed $42,000 BEFORE Plan Approval.   Despite, this the Marinwood CSD board and staff are unconcerned and WILL NOT REVEAL PROJECT COSTS.

3. The project has severe legal implications for Marinwood CSD. Why did Eric Dreikosen forget to mention the architect he hired was Bill Hansell, the former CSD director who hired him in 2016? This is clearly a violation multiple codes of government contracting rules, open meeting laws and conflict of interest.  Severe fines and even felony charges could be levied.

4. The project is too close to Miller Creek and violates the Marin County General Plan of 2007.  The project is a mere 40 feet from the top of stream bank.  Because the architect chose a drive through design, the 4400 square foot compound is much larger than it needs to be.  A conventional side access garage as built in virtually every other landscaping department in Marin requires only a third of the space.   In addition, the Marinwood "White Elephant"  will require additional outside storage of vehicles, materials, equipment and landscaping debris.

5. Marinwood CSD is violating the purpose of Measure A funds to enhance the beauty of the parks, recreation, accessibility and restoring natural areas.  They are using it for a capital project which should have been part of the long term strategic plan.  Improvements for park shade structure, safety handrails, playground equipment are being ignored over protest from the public.

6. Ironically, a sensible maintenance garage alternative was identified by Irv Schwartz, CSD Board Member and well known Engineer/Developer in 2017 in a project known as Option #3 .  It is a long side access garage that is largely outside the stream conservation area and can be built for a fraction of the cost using conventional construction or prefab units.  The public enthusiastically endorses this alternative and it could be approved immediately.
Maintenance Shed Option 3.PNG

Marinwood CSD needs to get this project back on track immediately with a full review of its government contracting process, public disclosure, accounting and environmental process.  If it willfully violates the law, then all parties responsible should be held to account.

Let's replace the maintenance garage instead.

Sign the Petition HERE