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Tech, not recalcitrant cities, is the root of our housing crisis
Open Forum: Tech, not recalcitrant cities, is the root of our housing crisis
By Eric Filseth May 28, 2019 Updated: May 28, 2019 5:17 p.m.

Senate Bill 50 argued cities can’t adequately manage local zoning for housing. Many voters disagreed, yet housing affordability still consistently polls with voters as a top-priority problem. How is this possible?
Bay Area voters understand the root of our housing crisis is not local officials — the political narrative — but enormous tech demand for housing. The region has generated vast wealth, but hasn’t invested enough of it in the housing and transportation needed to support its expansion. Instead, those costs have fallen on communities. SB50 continues that, and communities know it.
Voters also know SB50 departed from its elevator pitch of housing near transit — nearly all of Silicon Valley is jobs-rich, with relatively little near transit — and tilted rigidly to the left about local control and zoning for single-family homes. That’s nutty. It surely says something about a bill when you have to buy its political support by handing out exemptions, as was done for Marin.
Wisdom prevailed in Sacramento and the bill was shelved. Now let’s refocus on the problem.
It should be staggeringly obvious by now that we’ll never fix this until we explicitly balance future housing growth and job growth. Until then, we’ll lose ground every day, no matter who owns zoning. When in a hole, first stop digging.
That’s do-able. Cities don’t build housing, but we do approve commercial developments. We can condition these on including adequate housing. Physical housing, not rezone-and-hope for housing. Add a job, add a bed — or fund one.
That may sound fanciful, but cities are starting to actually do it: Mountain View in its North Bayshore district, and Santa Clara County as a condition for Stanford’s expansion. Palo Alto’s office caps, plus upzoning — including a few SB50 elements — do it, too (if clunkily).
Of course, this ultimately lays the cost of new housing on developers and tech companies — not everybody likes that.
Cities can be reluctant, too; it’s tempting to green-light lucrative commercial projects, but export the housing costs elsewhere. Yet as long as cities approve projects that add 25,000 jobs but only 1,680 dwellings — like one in South Bay that breaks ground next month — regional homeless rolls will swell. That’s what Sacramento should regulate: Not “give us your zoning,” but “stop exporting housing deficits onto your neighbors.”
The second elephant in the room is housing mix. Affordable housing simply can’t be built without subsidies. SB50 et al. skirt this, and so serves only high earners. Our problem in Palo Alto isn’t attracting high earners; it’s keeping low and mid-wage earners.
Everybody in town knows only 10% of our teachers and 7% of our city staff live here. Since 2015, we’ve spent $28 million on affordable housing, with strong resident support. It’s not enough.
We analyzed it: Each square foot of new commercial space here creates demand for $264 of affordable housing. Yet Silicon Valley commercial development “linkage” fees to fund affordable housing, including ours, run $15 to $35 a square foot, far below need. Raising these fees (as Santa Clara County has, to $68 a square foot) makes sense, as do new business taxes. Every Silicon Valley city watched Mountain View and East Palo Alto pass 2018 “tech taxes” for housing and transportation.
Thus a coherent policy alternative to Sacramento’s 200-bill scrum: Balance job and housing growth via commercial approvals, and raise linkage fees to fund affordability.
I hope Sacramento will work with cities, instead of against them. Most of us would welcome state incentives and maybe even disincentives around the former, and co-funding around the latter.
There’s been an awful lot of ideology on this issue, and not enough problem solving. Too much of the dialogue has fallen into the unproductive “if you disagree with me, you must be a venal person” mentality that pervades so much of American political culture. That’s not helpful.
We have an opportunity to sit down and focus on the problem, instead of the divisive and ill-considered distraction that was SB50. We should take it.
Eric Filseth is the mayor of Palo Alto.
Important Government Links on the Marin County Stream Conservation Ordinance.
Short Summary of Creek Regulations and Permitting Agencies (Important)
Marin County Stream Ordinance Power Point presentation
Understanding Permitting for Creek Projects (IMPORTANT)
FAQ on Marin County Stream Ordinance
Marin IJ Story on Stream Ordinance
Land Owner resource guide for properties near stream
County info on the Stream Ordinance
Creek Project Checklist
Marin Watersheds website
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Fake videos of real people -- and how to spot them | Supasorn Suwajanakorn
If only AI can detect fake videos, what will happen when AI learns to lie?
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sunday, May 26, 2019
An ASS and a Fox had become close comrades, and were constantly in each other's company. While the Ass cropped a fresh bit of greens, the Fox would devour a chicken from the neighboring farmyard or a bit of cheese filched from the dairy. One day the pair, unexpectedly met a Lion. The Ass was very much frightened, but the Fox calmed his fears.
"I will talk to him," he said.
So the Fox walked boldly up to the Lion.
"Your highness," he said in an undertone, so the Ass could not hear him, "I've got a fine scheme in nay head. If you promise not to hurt me, I will lead that foolish creature yonder into a pit where he can't get out, and you can feast at your pleasure."
The Lion agreed and the Fox returned to the Ass.
"I made him promise not to hurt us," said the Fox. "But come, I know a good place to hide till he is gone."
So the Fox led the Ass into a deep pit. But when the Lion saw that the Ass was his for the taking. he first of all struck down the traitor Fox.
Traitors may expect treachery.
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