Saturday, September 15, 2018

Irv Schwartz "Apparently " Forgets Prior Business with Marinwood CSD and approves design 9/11/2018

Irv Schwartz makes suggestions for improvements to the Hansell "White Elephant" Maintenance Compound which are helpful.  "Apparently" he forgets that his firm was the previous land surveyor for the Maintenance Shed initiative in 2010.  The effort was suspended when the CSD Business Manager discovered a $300k accounting mistake  which surfaced prior to the implementation of the previous design.  Irv Schwartz was also the developer in charge of the installation of the modular office in 2001.   He suggests an absurd proposal as the only alternative to the Hansell design and uses it as his reason to support the Maintenance Compound.

I like Irv and will be sorry to see him leave the Marinwood CSD board.  He is logical and provides insightful analysis at times.  In this case, Irv has abandoned common sense and is going along with the crowd despite the obvious problems with the Hansell design.  

The public supports a modified version that Irv suggested in 2017 known as Option 3 (below).  It should be moved further east to abut the modular building.  Fenced in storage can be placed on the western end of the building and employee parking can remain on the street.  This minimizes the footprint of the building, provides better access and is lower cost.

I hope Irv changes his position and applies his keen intellect for the sake of our community. If not, he will allow the most expensive and over designed landscaping garage to be built in Marin county history in his name.  Lucky Marinwood.(ugh)
Option #3 is the only design that does not block the path.   
It should be moved next to the modular office for maximum
clearance from Miller Creek. It is the environmentally preferred alternative.

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