Dick Spotswood: Dixie School District voters should weigh in on a name change
By DICK SPOTSWOOD | spotswood@comcast.net |September 29, 2018 at 10:00 am
We are in the process of seeing our nation torn asunder by divisions at every level of society. Whether the divide is by race, religion, gender, sexual identification or our nation’s history, we are in the process of shredding the national fabric. It’s easy to find politicians, profit-driven media networks and even well-meaning folks determined in the belief they are the exclusive font of truth and justice.
Marin is experiencing its own version of this ugly phenomenon over the word “Dixie” as it applies to north San Rafael’s Dixie School District. The community is broken apart; a school board is spending its time not on improving education or children’s well-being but on nomenclature.
I know proponents on both sides of this divide and they are mostly fine, well-intentioned, passionate people.
I’m not going to even venture a position because doing so encourages these divisions. The centrist’s starting point is procedural. How does a community resolve a dilemma in a calm, non-name-calling manner that stunts efforts to divide us into warring camps . See article Here
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