Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lucas Valley Road Before and After Tree Trimming.

Gary Giacomini, George Lucas's lawyer threatened the Marin County Supervisors on April 20, 2015 that Lucas Valley Road "shall never become a scenic road now or in the future" because it would interfere with George Lucas's development plans.  It appears that in 2016, the county has granted Gary Giacomini's wish and is in the process of destroying one of the most beautiful scenic roads in Marin.  

The cover story is "fire protection"  but this  has not been done in at least 30 years.  Residents suspect that by removing vegetation, the road will not qualify for a scenic designation .  Another theory is that it is preliminary work prior to road widening to allow for more development. The cover story of "fire safety" falls apart under close examination.  

The tree canopies are being denuded far in excess of what is required under the most stringent road standards.  This is a costly job and money is tight at the county.  Why is this project at the top of their priorities especially after the community opposition?

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