Monday, May 16, 2016

Letter from Reader concerning SB1609 for creating "Accessory Living Units"

Hello -

This seems like something that you need to know about a.s.a.p. - See portion of AARP Alert I just got - bottom part of this message. How the heck is it that AARP has involved itself in Land Use??? The sneaky thing is that no one knows about this Bill - see below and it is to be voted on tomorrow!!! Can you please get the word out and do something to put a stop to this Bill SB 1069? See the last info. bit/Link below first.
I did a cut & paste from an AARP Alert advocating for SB 1069 for "Affordable Housing" - the AARP Alert was pushing for Senior Citizens to Write and/or Call Gov. Brown saying that they needed to do this immediately and that they should do this because SB 1069 would make it so that Senior Citizens would be able to stay in their homes by creating a 2nd Unit now aka "Accessory Living Unit" in their backyard and rent these things out - take note that this plan would include subsidized water & sewer, less safety requirements, no parking requirements and greatly reduced time for a permitting process - take a look. 

To me, this is just a scam to get away with pure murder by the Building Industry/Corrupt City Councils and Boards of Supervisors - profiting from SB 375 "Affordable Housing" Schemes that would cause Traffic/Parking problems, Safety Issues from Less Regulations and Over-Crowding of Communities & New Taxes for Subsidized Water & Sewer - CA does not have a housing problem but rather Over-Population Problems. /Barb Mauz at in Los Angeles, CA 90064

p.s. Thank-you for your wonderful, informative, investigative reporting - I forward your posts to people I know who are concerned about gross inappropriate over-development - keep up the good work!!! 

This is how California's governor wants to make it easier to build affordable housing -- Brown’s move indicates he sides with the idea, promoted by academics and economists, that the primary issue driving the state’s out-of-control housing costs isn’t a lack of housing subsides, but rather that there’s not enough homes to meet demand. Liam Dillon in theLos Angeles Times$ -- 5/14/16

From AARP Alert:

"Senator Bob Wieckowski and the Bay Area Council have come up with an innovative approach to make it easier for communities to provide affordable housing options for low- and middle-income families.

On Monday, May 16, the California State Senate will vote on SB 1069 (Wieckowski) which simplifies the process of building Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) - also known as ‘granny flats’. The legislation eases regulatory burdens by providing exceptions to parking requirements (if the ADU is located within a half mile from public transit), eliminating sprinkler requirements and new land-use fees on water and sewer hookups, and reducing the time it takes to approve or deny a building permit."

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