Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ten easy ways to save Marinwood-Lucas Valley in your spare time. Sign the PETITION before May 13th!

Getting the word out to your neighbors can be fun. 


Here are ten simple ways to Save Marinwood-Lucas Valley from reckless overdevelopment.

1.) Talk to your neighbors.  Become informed with the latest happenings in our neighborhood by following the 2012 Housing Element for Unincorporated Marin,
local news,  and this blog .  Person to person contact is by far the most effective way to communicate. Try to speak to one new person a day.

2.) Offer to speak at your next community event about the changes.  You don't have to be an expert.  Just relate what you know and advise others to learn about the pros and cons of growth in our community.

3.) Pass out flyers to your neighbors.  It doesn't have to be alot.  Ask everyone you meet to get involved. A few hours a week can make a difference.  Posters will be on this blog or you can make your own.

4.) Attend public meetings.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  Ask officials to explain their plans in language you can understand.  If assumptions or data doesn't seem right, ask them for their source of  their data..  Be prepared to speak or write a letter to challenge unwise land use decisions.

5.) Attend workshops to become a better educated voter. Learn about the core beliefs,  economic and political realities driving this push to urbanize Marin. 

6.) Participate in social action.  While it is true that a relatively small group of people are driving the development, hundreds if not thousands more, will object to the trampling of our property rights, community values and democracy.  Social action informs the politicians and the media of our  determination to become a true "citizen powered democracy" responsive to local communities.  Your presence at these actions is a testament to others.

7.) Write to local media, politicians and friends.  Post a blog. Email friends and community lists. Start a conversation.   It is important to speak out.  There are more of us than they think.  Show them by your words.  You don't have to be a great writer.  Just write as you naturally speak.  Your passion will be clear.

8.) Post a sign on your lawn.  Let others know where you stand on the issue of growth in Marinwood Lucas Valley. 

9.) Post flyers where you work, eat and shop .

10.) Be determined.  The powerful politicians and crony "non profit" developers are working double time to build in Marinwood Lucas Valley while we sleep.  It will not be an easy task but like many grassroots efforts before us,  we can prevail.  We are the power. They are the politicians and the few developers.  Democracy was made for the people.

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