Monday, January 26, 2015

Supervisor Susan Adams/Assemblymen Mark Levine Lobbies RWQCB to change Toxic Waste Clean up Order (1 minute)

This is just one of the shocking revelations at the February 12, 2014 hearing for the Toxic Waste Clean up at Marinwood Village. Seen here is the attorney for the current owner Marinwood Village, LLC aka Hoytt Enterprises. Also present was project manager, Lisa Grady for Bridge Housing. They are asking for vacating the cleanup order with the date of August 1, 2016 so they may have time to pursue financing and permitting.

 The toxic plume is migrating eastward under the 101 freeway and now is found perilously close to the drinking well on the Silvera Ranch from which dairy cattle and residents derive their water. Supervisor Adams and Assemblymen Mark Levine lobbied AGAINST the speedy cleenup for the benefit of Bridge Housing and Marinwood Village LLC.  The Toxic Plume is expected to contain PCB, the same toxin found at Love Canal, NY  which was proven to cause cancers and birth defects.  There is no known intrusion on the Silvera Ranch at this time but it is urgent that this matter be resolved before traveling further.

 Supervisor Susan Adams holds a doctorate in Nursing and cites her healthcare background as a key asset for serving as a County Supervisor. Check back. The full meeting video will be published shortly.

See the story in the Marin IJ HERE

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