Sunday, October 7, 2018

Why does Park and Recreation Commission and the Marinwood CSD ignore the Public?

Draft Minutes of September 11, 2018 Park and Recreation Board Meeting (in the meeting packet page 42)
Dreikosen commented the Board formally approved the Maintenance Facility project as proposed and to have staff move forward with the planning and permitting process. Staff continues working with the architect is attempting to find a landscape architect. Parkinson questioned if digging down to place a foundation would be a possibility. Tune replied that would not be advisable as you would need to install sump pumps. Campo commented he feels the Commission and Board have made every effort to compromise with the residents and feels confident in the project moving forward. Campo stated it is impossible to please 100 percent of the community at all times. Dreikosen agreed the Board had taken into account the concerns while maintaining the needs of the District. Dreikosen added there is support from the community as well. Parkinson stated the concerns from the residents have improved the project. Tune commented this project has been thought about for over a decade. Past Commissions have tried to tackle the project, but were untimely forced to give up. Tune thanked the Board for being resilient, not giving in to the few and helping this current proposal move forward.   

Over 300 people have signed the petition against the "White Elephant" Maintenance Shed Proposal.  Jon Campo/John Tune clearly do not know what they are talking about and have no data to support their claim. What they are saying is a few insiders and misinformed public support the idea of replacing the shed but NOT ONE OF THEM HAS STUDIED THE PLANS in detail and has refused to engage a public forum. They have destroyed public notices,  attacked us on social media and have refused to discuss details or budgets.

The Marinwood Park Maintenance Compound is an absurdly large intrusion into our beloved Marinwood Park.  It is THREE TIMES the size of McInnis Park staff facility.  McInnis is 450 Acres and has a staff of six employees compared to Marinwood Park which is 14 acres but only 6 acres is landscaped.  Why does Marinwood need a 4400 sf facility? They are lying to the public. They totally ignored all public input from 2017 and created it in secret.  We don't even have an ESTIMATED BUDGET!!!

We need to have an outside audit of operations by a neutral third party.

The Marinwood Park can build a project identical to the McInnis facility, we will save hundreds of thousands of dollars and preserve the park for its intended use.

The McInnis Park Maintenance facility was completed in 2017 for the staff of McInnis Park att 370 Smith Ranch Rd.
It is a total of 1205 square feet including 640 square foot garage.  The garage holds essential tools, a small workshop and the office features an accessible bathroom, kitchenette and offices.  Such a facility could be built in Marinwood Park and it will not block the nature trail, horse shoe pit and still allow access to Miller Creek.  If serves McInnis Park adequately it most certainly can serve the needs of our tiny park and staff.

This can be located outside the Stream Conservation Setback (or nearly so) and would have immediate support of the community.

Sign the Petition HERE

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