Sunday, March 8, 2015

Shopping in a Moscow Grocery Store in 1986- A lesson for Plan Bay Area supporters.

Those who revel in Plan Bay Area should take time to examine the reality of top down central planning. This is example of a Moscow grocery store in 1986 in the old Soviet Union. Contrast it with Costco, Safeway or even a 7-11 in the west.  It is a testimony to the virtues of capitalism and free markets over the central planning model. 

 Plan Bay Area ( is a 40 year plan to completely transform the transportation, land use and redistribution of "social equity" based upon a central planning model. Even the Soviet Union didn't think they could predict the future so accurately. They had only had five year plans. Ask a Russian emigre which system of government they prefer.

1 comment:

  1. It is a testimony to the virtues of capitalism and free markets over the central planning model. white pages
