Friday, February 7, 2014

Get Your FREE hard copy of Plan bay Area

EDITOR'S NOTE : Just got my hard copy of the Plan Bay Area and recommend everyone get one.  It's free and you merely have to request it via email below.   It spells out in great marketing hype all of the "wonderful" plans they have for us.   Most notably,  Marinwood, Tam Valley and the Civic Center in San Rafael still appear as Potential PDAs.  So despite all this nonsense about "local control", apparently the bureaucrats at ABAG did not get the memo that planning should be local.

It is definitely worth putting in a time capsule.
Get Your FREE hard copy of Plan bay Area
(You paid for it and you will continue to pay for it, in more ways than you can imagine)

Plan Bay Area, adopted by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), lays out a 25-year vision for transportation and housing to sustain our communities, environment and economy. The plan is available online and a limited number of printed copies are available via the MTC-ABAG Library. To request a printed copy, please email or call (510) 817-5836.

The long-range plan, which includes $292 billion in transportation investments through the year 2040, was developed over three years in collaboration with thousands of Bay Area residents and local government partners, as well as with a range of interested stakeholder organizations. Plan Bay Area is the nine-county region's first Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to meet the requirements of California's landmark 2008 Senate Bill 375, which calls on each of the state's 18 metropolitan areas to include in the RTP a Sustainable Communities Strategy to accommodate future population growth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light trucks. Working in collaboration with cities and counties, Plan Bay Area advances initiatives to expand housing and transportation choices, create healthier communities and build a stronger regional economy.

MTC Public Information
January 21, 2014

(for those who want to save paper)
Entire Plan Bay Area (PDF 125 MB)
Chapters (PDF):
Appendices (35 MB)
Related Documents:

No One Bay Area 

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