"Neighborhood Leaders" that were missing at the Marinwood Plaza meeting October 27th. |
The Bridge Housing representative tells us that these "stakeholders" have been meeting to sort out issues ranging from the number of units, parking and design of the plaza. We were assured that we would receive more information on their website www.marinwoodplaza.com on October 29th. Another general meeting with the full public will take place on December 4th to present a complete plan in preparation for the approval by the Marin Board of Supervisors.
As of today, the website is not live. Many questions concerning parking, taxes, infrastucture, impact of new students in Dixie schools, etc. have not been answered. The community left the meeting more confused than ever.
The "public approval" process is a sham. Our "neighborhood leaders" were never elected nor did they make proceedings public. Some of them have been intimately involved in the process for years and claim that "we decided this development year's ago" (referring to a much different private development plan offered in 2007).
It's as if a small minority of political insiders are presuming their voice is more important than the other 6000 people who live in the valley.
As I viewed the crowd of people in Mary Silvera's gym that morning seeking answers, I saw the "real stakeholders" for the future of Marinwood. We are the ones that will be paying for new schools, new water and sewer improvements, more police and fire services. We are the ones that do not have a vested financial, personal or political interest in building low income housing. We want to develop Marinwood Plaza for the good of the whole community.
Some of the "neighborhood leaders" present and answering questions. Of the four Marinwood CSD directors that were quietly meeting behind closed doors, only Bruce Anderson appeared at this meeting. He deserves our thanks for taking his public duty seriously.
All land east of Las Gallinas to the 101 freeway is the Marinwood Priority Development Area for fast track urbanization. The objective of Plan Bay Area is to provide affordable housing and to intensify housing along the 101 corridor. Large amounts of investment monies from HUD and other sources will be financing all kinds of high density housing in Marinwood-Lucas Valley.
We can regain control of our community. Learn more about the 2012 Housing Element. Contact our political leaders and let them know how you feel. Tell others. Sign our petition. Come to a meeting.
Become a REAL "neighborhood leader" and protect our future.
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