Editor's Note. There are four classifications of affordable housing 1.) extremely low income 2.) very low income 3.) low income and 4.) moderate low income. Marinwood-Lucas Valley has 83% of all extremely low to low income units in unincorporated Marin as well as the largest high density apartment complexs with 85, 220 and 230 units each. In addition there are other zoning changes for several additional apartment complexes of upwards of 280 units each!
Other incorporated towns have large housing quotas as well. Many have successfully fought against forced development. Corte Madera, for example, withdrew from Association of Bay Area Governments and is dealing with the state directly.
If we say nothing to the Board of Supervisors, developers will assume they have a green light for exploiting our political weakness in Marinwood-Lucas Valley. We must stand resolutely for sensible land use and considered development according to our needs and not some ABAG quota.
Learn more about the 2012 Housing Element. Attend meetings. Talk with your neighbors. Contact your leaders.
It's your future and our community. Together we can make a difference.
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