A meeting potentially very relevant to those concerned about the High Density Housing in Marinwood/Lucas Valley is occurring this Thursday, 7pm at
the Marin Civic Center, details below. If you can make time this looks like
a very interesting meeting where the dots are likely to be joined on how One
Bay Area Funding is being released and controlled - the money trail may be
It is important that local Marinwood/Lucas Valley Citizens start showing up at these meetings and voice your concerns. Remember, these are the ABAG funding grants that caused the Board of Supervisors to "sell out" Marinwood/Lucas Valley to developers. They are hoping you will stay home and don't bother.
NOVEMBER 29, 2012
7:00 P.M.
3501 Civic Center
Drive, San Rafael, California
This Thursday, November 29, at 7 pm, the TAM Board of
Commissioners will consider the applications for One Bay Area Grant funding.
The board meeting will be held in room 330 at the Marin County Civic
Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael.
Here is the link to the board meeting agenda and staff report:
See agenda item #8 “Programming of One Bay Area Grant (OBAG)
Funds. The staff report for agenda item #8 begins on page 45 of the agenda packet.
Please note that before the TAM Board meeting, at 6 p.m., TAM [Transportation Authority of Marin] staff will
hold an information session about the One Bay Area Grant
(“OBAG”) program. Community members interested in learning more about the
proposed OBAG projects or the review process are welcome to attend. The
information session will be in Room 324A (the “Rug Room”) at the
Marin County Civic Center.
Please forward this information to members of the community who
may be interested in learning more about transportation funding in Marin. If
you have any questions, give me a call.
Linda M. Jackson
Planning Manager, Transportation Authority of Marin
415-226-0825 (w)
415-419-1523 (c)
Proposed project:
Marinwood Village
TLC There are two major components to the project: 1) reducing the width of the Marinwood Ave right of way, which is currently 89' and
vastly oversized for the neighborhood context; and 2) intersection improvements at Marinwood Ave and Miller Creek Rd, to
signalized or control traffic by means of a roundabout. The goal of the project is to ensure strong pedestrian and vehicular
connections to the redeveloped Marinwood Plaza Shopping Center, a roughly 5 acre infill site in unincorporated Marin County. One
of the keys to realizing the vision of a neighborhood village is to change the character of public right of ways to transform them into
inviting, walkable, bikable avenues, that also adequately handle vehicular traffic and parking.
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