Friday, March 16, 2018

Marinwood CSD Meeting March 2018 More Melodrama and Financial Mismangement

Marinwood Fire Department still doesn't have a kitchen.  Chief Roach cites that John Pope has not submitted bid and "he had no other bids" ignoring the written bid from The Granite Expo that will save Marinwood CSD at least $50k.   Former CSD Director Bill Hansell has been hired as the architect to design plans for a maintenance shed which is situated in the stream conservation setback of 100 feet.  Neighbors stood loudly in protest of the project in 2017 when the CSD presented "ideas for feedback".  The CSD directors have chosen to ignore the feedback and bulldoze ahead despite legal, environmental and citizen opposition.  And then there is the ridiculous expenditure for a custom design vs.low cost architect designed prefab structures used by government agencies worldwide..  Tax Revenues are up significantly due to the recovering real estate market yet the pace of expeditures by the CSD is even faster.  Serious overhaul of financial management is necessary to tame the out of control beast.

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