Friday, January 26, 2018

GOOD NEWS!: The League of California Cities Takes Action Against Senate Bill 827

GOOD NEWS!: The League of California Cities Takes Action Against Senate Bill 827

Good News!  The League of California Cities is taking action against Senate Bill 827.

The League of California Cities is an association of California city officials who work together to enhance their knowledge and skills, exchange information, and combine resources so that they may influence policy decision that affect cities.

Below is an ACTION ALERT email the League recently sent out to their members, calling upon them to oppose the bill.  They attached a copy of the bill and a sample opposition letter.  If you scroll all the way down to the end of the email, you will find a list of talking points.

This is a very encouraging development.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Nancy Hall Bennett" <>>
Date: Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 6:46 PM -0800
Subject: ACTION ALERT: SB 827 (Wiener) Planning and Zoning - Density

Members of the North Bay Division:

Below you will find an Action Alert regarding SB 827 (Weiner) which would exempt certain housing projects from locally developed and adopted building height limitations, densities, parking requirements, and design review standards.

Attached to this email you will find a sample oppose letter and the text of the bill.

Please contact me with any question or concerns.

Thank you for you advocacy, Nancy

Nancy Hall Bennett
League of CA Cities
(415) 302-2032


SB 827 (Wiener) Planning and Zoning - Density


Background: SB 827 (Wiener) would exempt certain housing projects from locally developed and adopted building height limitations, densities, parking requirements, and design review standards.

Specifically, SB 827 would undermine locally adopted General Plans, Housing Elements (which are certified by the Department of Housing and Community Development), and Sustainable Community Strategies (SCS).  SB 827 allows private for-profit housing developers and transit agencies to determine housing densities, parking requirements, and design review standards within one-half mile of a “major transit stop,” or along a “high-quality transit corridor” which could be miles away from an actual bus stop.  Additionally, housing developments within these areas can range in height between 45 feet and 85 feet depending on the desire of the developer.
It is important to note that under existing law, cities are already required to zone for densities at levels necessary to meet their entire Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA).
SB 827 is an attack on community based planning and public engagement because developers and transits agencies will get to determine building height limitations, densities, parking requirements, and design review standards.  SB 827 calls to question why cities should create General Plans and Housing Elements if these documents can be dismissed.

SB 827 (Wiener) will be heard in the Senate Committee on Transportation & Housing as well as the Senate Committee on Governance & Finance in the next few weeks.

Please consider these two helpful actions:

1)      Both North Bay Senators Dodd and McGuire serve on the Senate Transportation & Housing Committee.  Further, Senator McGuire is Chair of the Senate Governance & Finance Committee. Please send in a LETTER of OPPOSITION and urge your Senator’s NO vote on SB 827.  Please send your letter via fax (sample letter attached) or may be sent through the League’s Action Centerorg/takeaction>.
2) CALL YOUR SENATOR and urge their NO vote on SB 827.

Senator Scott Wiener (above at Folsom St Fair) is planning to give the Suburbs a whipping with SB827

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