Thursday, December 14, 2017

Marinwood CSD December 2017 - A circus of lawsuits and huge waste of tax resources (again!)

Lawsuit settled with Marinwood Firefighters for $10k PLUS $107,000 in legal fees, Marinwood FD kitchen makeover gets sent out to bid AGAIN. CSD insists on a luxury kitchen makeover for $$$ (featuring $4500 gourmet range and granite countertops) when a simple remodel could be done for less than $25k. Arguments erupt when CSD president attacks public speakers.  Marinwood manager Eric Dreikosen avoids discussion of Miller landslide conflict and ignores illegal tree removal in Marinwood Park by resident.  Huge sums have been spent on legal fees in 2017 instead of providing for the district.  Why won't the CSD board will  hold manager accountable?   Secret CSD board committee to decide future of the Marinwood Fire Department, populated mostly by fire department personnel and people known to be big supporters of the fire department will decide the FATE of the Marinwood CSD.  The feckless CSD directors have Marinwood on a path to bankruptcy . It is already technically insolvent due to pension obligations but refuses to make fundamental changes that will put it on a path to financial sustainability.

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