Friday, October 10, 2014

Local Government Contractor Cyane Dandridge helped select affordable housing locations for Marinwood-Lucas Valley

Cyane Dandridge,  former CSD Director, served on the Housing Element Task force that recommended 78% of all affordable housing for Marinwood-Lucas Valley.  We think she failed to meet an ethical obligation by failing to publicize her involvement and subsequently share her reasons for approval.

Final Report of the Housing Element Task Force June 2011

Why was she allowed to participate in this forum when she appears to have a conflict of interest?  We note that the week after she resigned from the CSD in October 2012, she was unanimously was approved for a large "no bid" solar consulting contract for the CSD.  Former CSD Directors, Bruce Anderson, Tarey Reed, Leah Green-Kleinman and  Bill Hansell are responsible for this this contract made and approved without a public review or hearing. They signed one contract that was found illegal and modified it AFTER she resigned without a public meeting. This is a violation of the Brown act and Fair Political Practices.   CSD  Director Michael Dudasko was appointed to fill out Cyane's remaining term and had no part in it's approval.
Cyane Dandridge

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Cyane Dandridge, former CSD Board Member and owner of Strategic Energy Innovations that performs energy consulting work for government agencies, housing and schools throughout Marin. They recently announced a partnership with EAH Housing, one of the largest affordable housing developers in Marin.

Please note that the former guiding principles were for 20% affordable 80% market rate housing. She was also on the committee that chose 70% of all affordable housing in unincorporated Marin County for Marinwood-Lucas Valley.

"There probably is more money for affordable housing than regular housing now" says Dandridge.

By her own admission, these developments are good for business. 

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