Dave Coury, housing lobbyist is hard to miss. He is tall man with a loud voice. You'll find him at every housing meeting representing various clients in the housing advocate community. I was shocked when earlier this year he asked the Planning Board to simply rezone ALL property within 1/2 mile of the 101 highway to 30 units per acre, previously known as the 101 Corridor Priority Development Area. Due process, property rights, democratic principles seem to mean nothing to this man. Make no mistake. What housing advocates want is the right to build tax exempt affordable housing apartments next to your home along the 101 corridor and have surrounding taxpayers pay for the cost. It is a socialist solution they call "social equity".
But how "equitable" is it to have property owners who often earn LESS than those in so called affordable housing pay for the expenses of their wealthier neighbors? According to a recent census map, the neighborhoods immediately surrounding Marinwood Village have an average income in the $60k-$80k range but the so called "low income tenants" that inhabit Marinwood Village will earn on average more.
Dave declares "War" on suburban Marin and is especially targeting Marinwood-Lucas Valley where we are effectively fighting back. He denies that we have 70% of all affordable housing for unincorporated Marin. He denies that our schools will be impacted. He denies that tax-exempt housing is a "tax scam".
FACT: 546 of 775 housing units are concentrated in Marinwood - this is 70%. Our Dixie Schools are at capacity. 546 units if built will bring 983 students into our schools. This will cost local taxpayers millions in new school construction, teachers, administrators and supplies. This will immediately make Dixie School District severely underfunded. Tax-exempt properties pay minimal parcel taxes since they are taxed at the same rate per parcel as a single family home and the receive a 55 year taxbreak worth tens of millions of dollars. These tax breaks are sold to wealthy corporations at a discount. The end result is the RICH are the primary beneficiaries of "affordable housing". Middle class communities pay all of the cost.
Housing advocates lobbying efforts are indirectly supported through grants from private and public funding.
Mr Coury was representing Marin Common Ground this day. I could not find a website for Marin Common Ground but found a website for New York based Common Ground which is a homeless housing charity with 500 million in assets. Mr. Coury's facebook shows that he is from Chappequa, NY which is the home of the Clintons and the first HUD "analysis of impediments" settlement. Is there a connection? Marin is the second major district under this HUD ruling.
Dave's opening and closing statements suggests that "We are at War" and ties the Officer involved shooting in Marin City with affordable housing. From the start, the housing advocates have tried to introduce race into their arguments to silence critics of affordable housing. Now they are using fear and intimidation. It is my sincere hope that we can find solutions to our affordable housing needs that works for our whole community that honors our democratic traditions.
see Susan Adams promotes Marinwood for HUD housing
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