1.) True or False: Affordable housing is scarce for Marin Residents.
Just like any service or commodity, there is high demand for low cost
housing that out strips supply. Most surprisingly,
despite the demand for low cost housing, income restrictions often mean that
tenants must be found from outside the county.
2.) True or False: 60% of all workers
in Marin commute from outside the County.
Data published in the Miles from Home Report, is often repeated as fact
yet it was created by low income housing advocate groups to support
questionable conclusions regarding housing needs in Marin. They claim, for instance, that nearly 60% of
the workforce is forced to live elsewhere due to the cost of the housing. No where do they take account of people who
may choose to live elsewhere due to
better housing values, family,
cultural amenities offered elsewhere.
This giant assumption is the basis of the false “need” of affordable
housing. Also, the study nowhere distinguishes
part time from full time work. How many
of us “need “ an affordable apartment or house for our first entry level job. The BIG DECEPTION of housing and job Census statistics
is one reason you should question Marin affordable housing quotas.
3.) True or False: The Marin Housing element is a vision, not a plan. FALSE: The housing element identifies housing sites that are pre
approved for affordable housing according to state criteria. There are a virtual catalog of projects that
developers can select and build on a fast track basis with streamlined approval
process, fees waived, low interest loans, guarantees and tax credits for fifty
4.) True or False: The Housing element was created by an open, democratic
process. FALSE: A handpicked selection of citizens, low
income housing advocates, and activists decided for the rest of us on the sites
that would be approved. They were under
no obligation to report back to the community.
5.) True or False: High Density affordable
housing and increased crime are unrelated. FALSE:
Violent crime statistics show the highest crime in Marin occurs in Marin
City and Hamilton. Part of the reason
for this is the high density of people living in a small area. Although per capita crime rates may be constant, increasing density increases overall crime. Senior/ disabled affordable housings
obviously have a different demographic and thus do not have the same social
6.) True or False: High Density housing will reduce our carbon footprint. FALSE: How does adding
thousands of people to our county actually reduce our carbon footprint? Clearly more residents put more burdens on
our infrastructure, local traffic, water use and more.
7.) True or False: Affordable Housing
won’t be a financial burden on communities. FALSE: Affordable housing pays minimal fees and mitigation. The surrounding taxpaying citizens will have
to pay for increased fire and safety, build new schools, add more social services, and
infrastructure. Bonds for new
infrastructure do not require a vote by taxpayers creating a burden for the
next 40 years
8.) True or False: Affordable housing is built for the poor. FALSE:
The prime beneficiaries are developers.
If it was all about affordable housing, why aren’t they buying existing
housing stock for conversions?
9.) True or False: Affordable housing won’t affect property values. FALSE: It can change a suburban neighborhood to an
urban high density neighborhood overnight, depressing housing values. The free market prefers single family homes.
10.) True or False: You can’t do anything about the affordable housing element. It already has been decided. FALSE:
You can speak up, demand answers from our politicians, write letters,
and protest. Politicians need our public support to maintain their power. Be certain your interests are being accurately represented. Our great democracy demands active citizens.
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