Tuesday, February 18, 2020

An attempted armed rape of a juvenile in Marinwood Park and STILL NO SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS

Once again, tonight the Marinwood CSD board shows its callousness and incompetence by failing to improve security in Marinwood Park during events and at the recreation center.  All discussion is off the table and quashed by Isabela Perry, CSD Board Member and the rest of the Board during tonight's meeting of the CSD board on December 10, 2019, a full EIGHT MONTHS after a juvenile escaped a perpetrator wielding a stolen handgun..  All board members have children, yet they fail to take even elementary steps to make the Marinwood Center safer.

How utterly, self serving and selfish of the board to ignore the safety of the community.  Jeff Naylor, Isabella Perry, Leah Green, Sivan Oyserman, and Bill Shea are cowards.

The safety lock on bathroom at the pool house does not work and is open 24hours a day.  It was on a timed lock but it has not been working for years.  Here is a photo I took at 9:30 PM after the park had closed at 5 pm

We asked for this small fix to be done but Eric Dreikosen, Marinwood CSD manager did nothing except hide the issue.   

We asked for an inexpensive video surveillance system to be installed to assist police in case of future incidents but the CSD will not even consider it.
Eric Dreikosen, Marinwood CSD manager hid the April 2019 incident from the public until September 2019 and has done NOTHING to improve security since that time.  

Photo of the Marinwood Pool House Bathroom door that has been broken for years despite safety concerns of the public. It is open 24 hours a day and is in a remote location making it an attractant for crime.  Marinwood CSD has the money to fix it but will not.  In April 2019, a juvenile was victim of an attempted rape while attending a party at the facility.  The perpetrator pointed a stolen handgun at her and demanded sex.  Fortunately, the girl escaped unharmed but the trauma of the incident will live with her for a long time.

Shouldn't the district improve safety around the Marinwood Community Center.

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