Saturday, July 28, 2018

Marinwood Maintenance Compound EIR public hearing 7/26/2018

Residents speak to the "Negative Declaration EIR" for the proposed 4400 Square Foot Maintenance Compound  (aka "The White Elephant") The massive compound is about the same size as a car wash  (40' x 150') The main building is 3200 sf  with a 15' x 80' wall.  It is proposed to be located on the current walk path.  The footprint is roughly from the edge of the Eastern storage yard to the horse shoe pit.  A new access road will be closer to the creek.  Despite the huge size of this facility, its narrow design makes it impractical for parking vehicles.  They will need to be parked outside the facility along with material storage.   Residents question the massive foot print for such a small 3 man team.  The project is designed by former CSD Director, Bill Hansell.  Written comments can be submitted to before 4pm on July 31, 2018

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