Monday, January 15, 2018

“The State of Transportation in Marin and Why TAM proposes Yes on the $3.00 Bridge Toll increase

“The State of Transportation in Marin”

Speaker: Dianne Steinhauser, Executive Director,

The Transportation Authority of Marin

Many Marin County residents cite increased traffic congestion, lack of public transportation alternatives and the

failure to adequately maintain existing transportation infrastructure as major areas of concern. The ability for

government agencies to help address these issues is crucial to economic health and well-being of the County.

On January 10th, Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) Executive Director Dianne Steinhauser will discuss the

State of Transportation in Marin. Her presentation will cover current conditions, upcoming improvements and

their status. She will address major transportation issues Marin is facing, and the likelihood of successfully

addressing those issues. Her talk will also provide updates on the Marin/Sonoma Narrows Project, the Richmond

Bridge Third Lane Project, the proposed Highway 101/580 Connector Project, construction of a new San Rafael

Transit Center, and plans to address sea-level rise on Highway 37. TAM’s programs and projects to encourage

use of walking, biking, and transit will also be covered.

In addition, Ms. Steinhauser will speak about the various programs under SB1 (the State’s recent gas tax and

vehicle registration fee increases), the status of RM3 (the proposed bridge toll increase measure), and a

proposed measure to extend or increase Marin County’s half cent transportation sales tax.

The question and answer period of the presentation will give luncheon attendees a chance to provide Dianne

feedback and to ask questions about their concerns on transportation related issues in Marin. Attendees should

expect an informative and interesting discussion of this issue.

Ms. Steinhauser has over 30 years managing transportation in the Bay Area and is the Executive

Director for the Transportation Authority of Marin. For the past 12 years, Dianne has managed Marin’s

1⁄2-cent transportation sales tax, which generates over $25 million per year for Marin. Through Marin’s

sales tax, TAM has enabled substantial growth in local transit services, local street and road

rehabilitation, and has grown its very successful Safe Routes to Schools program including managing

crossing guards, travel plans, School Pool, and student education around walking and biking to school.

Dianne managed the development of Marin County’s $10 Vehicle Registration Fee increase for transportation, which was

successfully passed by voters in November 2010, bringing an annual $2 million to Marin for transportation needs.

She brings a background in funding, finance, consensus building and engineering management. Diane began her career

at Caltrans, where for 20 years she rose from construction inspector to Deputy Director managing the activities in six Bay

Area counties. Prior to taking over as Executive Director of TAM, she spent 5 years as the Manager for Programming

and Allocations for the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). Her work at MTC helped her fine tune

her technical engineering experience with a vast array of knowledge about funding sources, the legislative process and

planning; tools in which she uses in her present position.

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