Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Will a Medical Pot shop be located in Marinwood Plaza? Maybe if the 600 foot prohibition is enacted.

"Have you seen my medicine?"

The BOS is holding an informational workshop today June 9, 2015 on Medical Marijuana dispensaries at 1:30 pm

For the staff report and attachment, click here & go to  Item 13,on agenda: http://marin.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=33&event_id=684

Editors Note:
I noticed in the Staff Report the acknowledgment of a significant difference between California and federal regulations.

California's buffer zone is only 600 feet, but the federal buffer zone is 1,000 feet.  The greater distance may bring more schools, parks, and youth facilities into play. A 1000 foot buffer would prevent locating a Pot Shop in Marinwood Plaza due to Mary Silveira Elementary and Miller Creek Middle School.

From the staff report 

Finally, as noted previously, many of the advocates the subcommittee and/or staff has met with were concerned that -given the history of federal enforcement against landlords of medical marijuana dispensaries- it would not be possible to find a property owner willing to lease property to a dispensary. Therefore, another option would be for the county to allow a dispensary to lease county property and impose any conditions through the lease. However, it is our understanding that these concerns have waned somewhat in recent months as the federal government has apparently reduced its efforts to close down dispensaries via civil forfeiture proceedings. In this regard it is important to know that federal law provides enhanced penalties for any distribution of marijuana - medical or otherwise- within 1 ,000 feet of schools and playgrounds as opposed to the 600 foot prohibition in State law which is currently proposed in this ordinance. 

EDITOR'S NOTE 6/10/15: According to Supervisor Kate Sears, the Strawberry location is unacceptable. This means that Marinwood becomes MORE likely to house a dispensary.

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