Friday, September 13, 2013

NEWSFLASH SB-1 Did not pass!

SB1 Did NOT Pass
(but it will return in 2014)
Steinberg's office just verified that SB1 did NOT pass.  It is being held over until January.  The Legislature is done for the year so it can not be taken up again until 2014.  This is our opportunity.  Let's keep up the pressure.  Let's get more organizations to weigh in on the OPPOSITION.   If you know of an organization or are the member of an organization that could oppose this, please encourage them to officially oppose this aweful bill.
Here are the listed supporters and opponents.  Let's see if we can turn some of these supporter in Red to our side and let's see if we can add more groups to the opposition:
SUPPORT : (Verified 9/11/13)
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit
District Alliance for Community Transit-Los Angeles
California Association of REALTORS
California Infill Builders
Federation California Labor
Federation California Special Districts Association
California State Association of Counties
California State Council on Developmental Disabilities
California Transit Association Capacity Builders, Inc.
City of West Sacramento
Counties of Alameda, Lassen
East Los Angeles Community Corporation
Emeryville Chamber of Commerce
Green Technical Education and Employment
Housing California
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Mission Bay Development Group
Natural Resources Defense Council
Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Sacramento Housing Alliance
Southeast Asian Community Alliance
State Building and Construction Trades Council 
Strada Investment Group
Western Center on Law and Poverty
OPPOSITION : (Verified 9/11/13)
Air Conditioning Trade Association
California Farm Bureau Federation
California Right to Life Committee, Inc.
California Taxpayers Association
Contra Costa Taxpayers Association
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association of California
State Board of Equalization, Third District, Vice-Chair,Michelle Steel Western Electrical Contractors Association

Stop Plan Bay Area
This bill is a THREAT to Rural and Suburban property owners

Expanding the Definition of
Declares suburban and rural lifestyles-which it terms "inefficient land use patterns-as "blight." Declaring suburban and rural land use a "blight" has appalling and stunning legal and political implications. How does it feel to have a target on your back from these people?
Creates mini-ABAGs (redevelopment agencies) not controlled by cities and towns.  Allows eminent domain and funding power to assemble and fund massive high density housing projects in suburban downtowns.
If you own property in an area that the government wants to upzone (such as property in a  PDA), they can arbitrarily take your property and put it with others so they have enough area to develop 
high density housing near mass transit.  It also provides permanent funding for 
More Background
If Steinberg's SB 1 (Steinberg's Sustainable Communities Investment Authority) 
becomes law, what will the cost be to you and each and everyone of us who own private property parcels? This is one of the most dangerous bills and will be the worst abuse of power in California's history, if the Governor doesn't Veto this bill. Danger here is the Democrats may have super majority over the Governor's Veto Power. (SB 1 was Steinberg's SB 1156 last year and the resurrection of Statewide Redevelopment Agencies, but with a new credit card);

SB 1 includes Infrastructure Financing Districts 
(Senator Lois Wolk SB 33) and Transit Districts (Assemblywoman Ma or other authors). Are you 1/2 mile from a bus or transit stop? SB 1 allows high density 1/2 mile from a bus or transit stop;

Property Tax Increments like Redevelopment Agencies would divert property taxes from within project area boundaries directly into the general fund of the new "Authority", "Agency", or government entity that's created, which means property taxes would not go to the City or County general funds to pay for public services, but would go directly to the new Authority or Agency and away from special districts like fire and police protection, parks, and libraries (schools would be exempt);

Projects would have to comply with Steinberg's SB 375, which connects land use to AB 32 Global Warming/Climate Change Implementation - (My older neighborhood with large lots does not comply with SB 375, so does that mean my neighborhood is not sustainable and blighted?);
No Voter Approval to create more debt and to create new project boundaries, which could force residents to continually pay for new projects and improvements;

Only Union workers are hired, which would eliminate jobs to those who are not union paying members (Only Project Labor Agreements);
Cities, Counties, and Special Districts can create Joint Powers Agreements/Agencies/Authorities (JPA) and elect a Board that would consist of elected officials, who would than appoint a JPA Director. How many JPA's do you have in your City and/or County? Power would be power to a Director/Chair of a new Board, who is not elected by the people;
This bill would give unknown power to schools, police, fire, libraries, parks, etc. and allow them to borrow money to pay for unfunded pensions.  Private property parcel owners would be forced to pay for this new debt, but not be allowed to vote.  

 Here's the full text of the bill

Contact Info for Gov. Brown's office: Ask him to VETO
California Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, 1st Fl., Sacramento, CA 95814
1.  Call Governor Brown's office to ask for his "NO" vote on SB1.  PHONE: (916) 445-2841   

2.  Send an email.  

Fill in the form.
Select "other"  (because SB1 doesn't show up on the pull-down menu)
After you "Continue," another page will appear with space to name SB1, mark Pro or Con and write a comment.
Besides the ideas posted in the previous email, here are some additional reasons to oppose SB1:

The definition of blight by which the SCIA can use eminent domain for "insufficient land use" is too poorly defined and too great a threat to property rights.

34191.10-b -  SCIA's General Provisions display this bill's primary beneficiaries are those in the construction industry.

34191.20-e-(1) - JPAs are growing out of control without adequate oversight from the public to assure accountability.

34191.31-a - An audit after 5 years for a newly formed JPA is inadequate to the demands of this much $$ being handled by too few people under less than transparent conditions.  The Controller should be required to review and approve the audits and the audit should be required to be made public.

Citizens MUST oppose this law 

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