Do minorities "prefer" to lived in cramped apartments? That is what the planners of Plan Bay Area want you to believe. If the Housing Element and Plan Bay Area are approved, not only will we have massive affordable housing complexes, our neighborhoods will be upzoned to 50 units per acre.
Wake up and smell the coffee! We must fight the Housing Element and Plan Bay Area!
ReplyDeleteThis article exposes the correlation between "section 8" aka "workforce housing" aka "subsidized housing" aka "whatever they want to call it" and crime. Quite revealing...
"...About five years ago, Janikowski embarked on a more ambitious project. He’d built up enough trust with the police to get them to send him daily crime and arrest reports, including addresses and types of crime. He began mapping all violent and property crimes, block by block, across the city. “These cops on the streets were saying that crime patterns are changing,” he said, so he wanted to look into it.
When his map was complete, a clear if strangely shaped pattern emerged:... The inner city, where crime used to be concentrated, was now clean. But everywhere else looked much worse: arrests had skyrocketed along two corridors north and west of the central city... Hot spots had proliferated since the mid-1990s, and little islands of crime had sprung up where none had existed before, dotting the map all around the city.
Janikowski might not have managed to pinpoint the cause of this pattern if he hadn’t been married to Phyllis Betts, a housing expert at the University of Memphis.... Betts had been evaluating the impact of one of the city government’s most ambitious initiatives: the demolition of the city’s public-housing projects, as part of a nationwide experiment to free the poor from the destructive effects of concentrated poverty. Memphis demolished its first project in 1997. The city gave former residents federal “Section8” rent-subsidy vouchers and encouraged them to move out to new neighborhoods...Janikowski merged his computer map of crime patterns with Betts’s map of Section8 rentals...the match was near-perfect. On the merged map, dense violent-crime areas are shaded dark blue, and Section8 addresses are represented by little red dots. All of the dark-blue areas are covered in little red dots, like bursts of gunfire. The rest of the city has almost no dots.
Betts remembers her discomfort as she looked at the map. The couple had been musing about the connection for months, but they were amazed—and deflated—to see how perfectly the two data sets fit together. She knew right away that this would be a “hard thing to say or write.” Nobody in the antipoverty community and nobody in city leadership was going to welcome the news that the noble experiment that they’d been engaged in for the past decade had been bringing the city down, in ways they’d never expected. But the connection was too obvious to ignore, and Betts and Janikowski figured that the same thing must be happening all around the country...".
Yes, indeed it is and will continue as the goal of redistributing the masses from high crime areas into what will soon become known as "the formerly little crime areas" marches relentlessly onward. Redistribute the crime.