The Marinwood Village affordable housing development will add one to three busloads of kids to Dixie Schools costing anywhere from $600,000 to $2.2 million dollars yearly.
Dixie School district profile ranking and per pupil $ $10, 947.21 per student per year.
In addition each special needs child may cost $100,000 per student per year.
Bilingual instruction for students per child may range from $20,000 up
In California, approximately 1/3 of children are enrolled in bilingual education. We have no way of telling how many children, special needs and languages spoken for the Marinwood Plaza residents so we provide this rough guide utilizing conservative costs.
60 students, zero special needs, zero bilingual education $656,832
100 students, one special needs, ten bilingual education $1,394,721
150 students, two special needs, twenty bilingual education $2,242,050
Does this "affordable housing" seem affordable to our small Dixie School district?
If you are concerned with maintaining the quality of our local schools, we must demand fair school impact fees from Bridge Housing plus a realistic yearly contribution for each child in the development.
The County Planning department and Board of Supervisors will be considering the Marinwood Plaza application for development as early as next week.
Voice your opinion on the Marinwood Plaza project by contacting each Supervisor.
Remember, in unincorporated Marin, the five member Board of Supervisors have absolute authority to approve the Marinwood Plaza development. Incredibly, they have made public statements that they "unequivocally" support the plan without hearing from our community or seeing the application from the developer.
Please sign the petition to request the Supervisors to at least allow a six month period for review by the Marinwood/Lucas Valley community.
If you would like to participate in our weekly discussions on the impacts of 6 affordable housing developments to be built in Marinwood/Lucas Valley and what we can do, please email us at
Note: we need to revise the impacts upwards. The Grady Ranch proposal may add another 240 households and 450 children to our Dixie Schools
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