The Board of Supervisors has determined Marinwood/Lucas Valley is the ideal location for affordable housing.
In the latest salvo against our community, the Board of Supervisors and the Marin Community Foundation is seeking developers for low income housing at Grady Ranch. In the Marin IJ article linked below, there is no mention of the extreme financial hardship to our schools, environment and community will suffer as the result of 240 units of housing that pays virtually nothing into the community. We middle class taxpayers are asked to pay for this "act of charity scheme" dreamed up by the 1% super rich, The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) , the Board of Supervisors, crony developers and special interest groups. This is the second of six large developments that are headed our way as prescribed in the 2012 Housing Element. Even more are being planned behind closed doors
Save our beautiful Lucas Valley from exploitation! Come to our weekly action meetings on Mondays.
Save Marinwood/Lucas Valley.
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