Thursday, April 4, 2019

TAM talk at Marin Coalition.

The State of Transportation in Marin”
Speaker: Dianne Steinhauser, Executive Director,
The Transportation Authority of Marin

Many Marin County residents cite increased traffic congestion, lack of public transportation alternatives and the failure to adequately maintain existing transportation infrastructure as major areas of concern. The ability forgovernment agencies to help address these issues is crucial to economic health and well-being of the County.

   What Fixes are Planned for Highway 37 and the Richmond Bridge”

Speaker: Nicholas Nguyen, Principal Project Manager

The Transportation Authority of Marin.

Highway 37 and the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge are two of the major roadways in which people travel into and out of Marin County. On a daily weekday, more than 40,000 vehicles use Highway 37 to travel to and from Marin from Sonoma, Napa and Solano Counites. By 2040 the number to expected to increase to 70,000. The Richmond/San Rafael Bridges accommodates 83,000 vehicles on a weekday traveling between Marin County in the East Bay and this number is also expected to grow in the future.

Nicholas Nguyen of the Transportation Authority of Marin will provide us with a presentation on the state of each of these roadways, what is being planned to address immediate issues and what options are being considered for the long term. 

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