Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Will this Seven Story Apartment building be built in Marinwood?

I received a tweet from a YIMBY (housing activist) who sent me this example of "good infill" development suitable for a small suburban lot.  It is seven stories high, has no parking and built on a tiny 2700 square foot lot or about the size of a double wide mobile home. He says this design doesn't appear overly massive or disrupt low density neighborhoods. The average Marinwood lot would fit 3 or 4 of these apartments.  

What do you think? Would you like to see these come to your street?  How do you think it would affect the neighborhood?

Editor's Note: Personally,  I would hate it.  Loss of privacy, parking and sunshine.  Suddenly there would cars on the streets, more noise, schools would be stressed and the small town feeling of knowing your neighbor would be lost forever.  I believe WE THE PEOPLE should decide how we want our neighborhoods to evolve- not housing activists and developers.

Capitol Core

CLIENT: JaMar Investments
CONTRACTOR: Cascade Built
UNITS: 15 studios and 2 studio + loft
GSF: 8,100 square feet
PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Built Green 4-Star certified
Capitol Core on Boylston Street in the heart of Capitol Hill is a six-story apartment building for Seattle’s sustainably-minded urban professionals. Situated on a 2,700sf urban infill lot, the project maximizes its location with a unique linear design that created 17 homes, enabling residents to live in the heart of the city.  Built Green 4-Star certified, Capitol Core was constructed using high-performance building practices and durable materials drawn from the Passive House standard of building – toxin and allergen-free interior finishes, added insulation, extra-large windows to welcome natural daylight, and state-of-the-art, energy-efficient mechanical systems. The result offers occupants continuous fresh indoor air and a healthier, more comfortable environment with less drafts and better indoor air quality.
Images by Derek Reeves Photography

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