Saturday, July 1, 2017

Plan Bay Area 2040 public feedback (from MTC)

Thank you to everyone who attended a Plan Bay Area 2040 open house or public hearing in May and submitted comments on the Draft Plan or the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

On June 9, a summary of what we heard from residents was presented to the Joint MTC Planning and ABAG Administrative Committee. You can review the memo and presentation here, as well as view all correspondence on the Draft Plan and review the public hearing transcripts.
If you submitted a comment on the Draft Plan Bay Area 2040, you can review it here.
If you submitted a comment on the Draft EIR, you can see it here.

These comments will inform the discussion and debate leading up to adoption of Plan Bay Area 2040, which is currently slated for July 26 at 7 p.m. 

For more information, visit, email, or call415.778.6757.

Editor's Note:  Once again, Marin County had the most comments from the public.  Overall, however, the response was abysmal.  How can MTC and ABAG claim that they have sufficient outreach to the millions of people and businesses affected by this plan?

My guess is when the redevelopment, increased traffic, higher taxes and fees are felt by the average (asleep) voter, there will be a political revolt akin to Prop 13 .  Sacramento has been passing legislation stripping us of our property rights and local democracy.  Few options will be available except radical change.

I hope so.  I'd like to see the state restored to the California Dream instead of the administrative state of Plan Bay Area 2040.

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