This is very raw video footage at the Rally sponsored by a group calling themselves "Concerned Marinites to End Nimbyism (CMEN for short). They claim that Marin is full of Racist, NIMBY and Classists and anyone opposed to their position on the feckless Housing Element for Unincorporated Marin are guilty. Their website is Their tactics are meant to intimidate people from speaking up.
Supervisor Steve Kinsey is seen speaking at approx. 9:00 telling the protestors that Marin needs to be more welcoming". Instead of asking the protestors to go inside and be heard, after the event Supervisor Kinsey briefly was interviewed by a news crew and sped off in his car.
It is particularly ironic that Supervisor Kinsey champion this event since he has the power to ask for more affordable housing in his District. His district has one of the lowest allocations of affordable housing in Marin. Most of his affordable housing is agricultural housing for farmworkers and not in the leafy suburbs of the rich and famous.
Check the distribution of affordable housing in Unincorporated Marin.
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