We debated paying any attention what so ever to the Marin IJ Column where the writer, Cesar Legleva essentially accuses anyone who opposes the housing plans in Marin as racist NIMBYs. I wrote in objecting to the highly offensive column but it wasn't published.
For us, the bottom line, is the concentration of 71% of affordable housing in Marinwood-Lucas Valley not all affordable housing. Opponents would rather sling mud than expose the truth of the crazy scheme to force tax free affordable housing in the 5.78 square mile section of Marinwood-Lucas Valley and asking the local residents to pay for the tax burden.
We updated our profile to clearly identify our position:
We support a fair allocation of affordable housing in our community that is sensitive to land use, is fiscally responsible, healthy for the families and integrates diversity within our community.
The charges of NIMBYism are completely unfair and mostly uttered by others outside the area who are glad that the developments aren't in THEIR backyard.
Make no mistake, Marinwood-Lucas Valley is ground zero for affordable housing in unincorporated Marin.
For once, I would like to hear the supporters of Marinwood Village address the real issues of the financial impact on our schools estimated to cost $1,500,000 annually plus another $750,000 for portable classrooms. Tell us how our CSD budget will be able to accomodate 25% growth in the community with five more developments without any supporting tax base. Marinwood Village is expected to pay only $10k annually which they soon will ask for rebates.
We are being exploited by big developers, politicians and political insiders who tell us "we must pay our fair share" while disguising their business interests and the grants they'll receive if they hoodwink us.
Here is the column and letters to the editor:
Cesar Legleva's Marin Voice Column "Decoding NIMBYism in Marin"
Marin IJ letters to the editor February 21
To see the actual testimony from Marinwood Residents see the Planning Commission February 11th
Here is my unpublished letter:
· It is too bad that Mr. Lagleva decided to
"go ugly" with invective in his Marin Voice column on 2/17/2013. He
must have attended different meetings then me. Virtually all of the
Marinwood/Lucas Valley residents who spoke at the Planning commission on 2/11/2013
supports some affordable housing but not in the amounts and concentration
that is planned. 71% of all affordable housing in unincorporated Marin
is planned for this 5.78 square mile neighborhood. It will house at
least 5 affordable housing developments and increase our population by 25%.
Even more developments are planned for the future. Affordable housing
developments will pay virtually no taxes for the estimated 600 to 1000 school
children that will be added to our Dixie school district. We currently pay
$10,000 per child so this expense may mean 6 to 10 million per year from local
taxpayers. Our local Marinwood CSD budget is only $4.2 million dollars per
year. Clearly, this will severely affect the quality of education in the
community. This is not racist. It is a financial fact that the Supervisors and
Planners have not addressed.
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