Fair housing for Marinwood-Lucas Valley? It depends who is calling this "fair".... Are you?
The above chart represents the distribution of all Extremely Low Income to Low Income housing units in unincorporated Marin for the 2012 Housing Element. 83% of all of these units are located from St Vincents/Silvera Ranch to Grady Ranch near Big Rock in Lucas Valley.* All of these units reside within the boundries of Marinwood CSD which incorporates Upper Lucas Valley estates. Currently school children from St. Vincents attend the Dixie school district.
The effect of the sudden increase of housing within our community will be to grow our population by an estimated 20% (2.23 per household) and add hundreds of school children to the Dixie school district. The "non profit" developers (they must organize this way to qualify for HUD financing) meanwhile pay no property taxes, get generous tax deductions, low interest loans and many development fees are waived. Even the design review and environmental impact review are "fast tracked" bypassing the standard protections for the public.
Our new residents, by definition of "low income" will be contributing minimally to our local tax base yet will have full voting rights to pass new property taxes to the current residents for the services they will require. How else will we fund new schools, pay for new police, fire and park services?
Did you even know that this is being proposed for our community?
Does this sound "fair" to you?
You can read all about it in the 2012 Housing Element found at
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