
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Will we let Marin become Urbanized?

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”

Supervisor Susan Adams defends establishing the Marinwood Priority Development Area and placing 70% of all affordable housing for unincorporated Marin in Marinwood Lucas Valley, before skeptical residents at the June 26, 2013 Town Hall

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

VIDEO: Time Out to Appreciate the Beauty of Nature Around Us

This video has nothing to do with Plan Bay Area, the Housing Element, SB-1, or local politics. It is a reminder of why we are blessed to live in our beautiful Lucas Valley with nature all around us. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why aren't you talking about the real Billionaire behind Affordable Housing in the Bay Area?

Penny Pritzer, Secretary of  Commerce

Editor's Note:  
I received this email this morning from a good friend in response to the Donald Trump story.  Least you think this affordable housing thing is all about "working families", check out the links and see the real stories of  money and power 

Why aren't you talking about the Pritzker's instead of Trump on This is much more apropo! I don't know if there's any connection between Trump and Plan Bay Area, but there's a really direct Marin connection to the Pritzkers and high density housing in the Bay Area:

- the Pritzker foundation is one of Steve Kinsey's largest donors

- the Pritzker family is the poster child for sprawl in Nicasio/West Marin, Steve's district where they have built a complex of Macmansions

- Penny Pritzker is a Chicago building billionairess (just made US Secretary of Commerce!) with a joint venture to specifically develop multi-family high density housing

to whom will the spoils go when Plan Bay Area is enacted and development opportunities arise?

- Penny Pritzker's bank lost account holders $40m and taxpayers $155m to bail her out (even though she's a billionaire)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Got a Slingshot? Rich Developers want to Urbanize Marin

Banks, corporations and wealthy investors are the real winners with affordable housing. 
This link describes the magnitude of economic and collaborative forces that want to build high density housing near transit across the USA.

In summary, it looks like this:

Bank/investors (Citi, Morgan Stanley, Prudential) along with major foundations (MacArthur, Ford) gave $100M to Housing Partner Equity Trust (HPET) - which is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), which promises double digit return on investment.

HPET is sponsored and operated by Housing Partnership Network, a 100-member national collaborative of housing and community development nonprofits.

HPET provides long-term, low-cost capital to 12 nonprofits to "quickly and efficiently acquire apt. buildings that provide quality homes for families, seniors with modest incomes."  . . . without the hassle of low-income tax credits or public subsidies.

So what Citizen Marin and others are fighting is the massive power of 100 housing organizations across the country, coupled with foundations distributing big chunks of $$, in collaboration with leading financial institutions, and delivery through a pipeline of 12 preferred nonprofits.   

 The driver is capitalist economics - the promise of double digit return on investment (for people who already own assets and can afford to invest).  It isn't reducing GHG emissions or even providing decent housing (for the people without assets and barely enough $$ for food).  Will the facts re: RHNA numbers, GHG emissions, housing options, local control, and infrastructure be enough to off-set the money, lobbyists, and power elite?  If ever there were a David/Goliath battle, this is it.  
Got a slingshot?


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Malcolm X on Oppression and the Media

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Malcolm X

Halloween Parade/Carnival in Marinwood?

Wouldn't it be great to have a parade/street party like this on Halloween in Marinwood?

See information about the artistry in this parade  here