
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Marinwood Plaza Toxic Waste discussion May 13, 2020

Lawyer for St. Vincents and Marinwood Citizens from "Clean up Marinwood Plaza, Now" committee address the Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding the Marinwood Plaza clean up. Marinwood Plaza, LLC controlled by Hoytt family has violated order for clean up.  We have been working diligently for seven years to get the toxic waste removed.  During this time the toxic waste has spread over 1/2 mile east on the property of Silveira Ranch and St. Vincents.

Marinwood CSD Meeting May 12, 2020 Zoom meeting.

Recorded at SaveMarinwood studio (audio problems)

Recorded by Marinwood CSD with content removed by the CSD

This meeting was recorded at two different locations but is the same meeting. The first video was rec recording from my studio,. It contains video from the entire video feed but unfortunately, the audio of me speaking was not picked up.  When I joined the ZOOM audio conference room, Eric Dreikosen refused to acknowledge me or unmute my phone to verify a connection.  I frantically tried using the chat function which was ignored.  Finally after trying twenty times, I typed an obscenity that was seen by Bill Shea.  I was unsure why they were ignoring the chat and was not sure that chat was active at all despite the comment that Eric was managing them.  I typed away my running commentary for my own notes but low and behold at the end of the call Bill Shea asked that my chat be preserved presumably to play "gotcha" as "evidence of disruptive behavior".   I was not kind to their lies and deception in my notes.  It is an amusing sidenote to the evening.

The Marinwood CSD is completely out of control.  They have cancelled major repairs for the Marinwood CSD pool so they can build Bill Hansell's Maintenance Compound at ten times expense of similar maintenance sheds.  Irv Schwartz, former CSD director has done engineering and survey work for the project.  These CSD directors are LOOTING the Marinwood CSD and may well plunge it into bankruptcy.

I do not yet know why these two videos do not synch.  Is it because, the Marinwood CSD doctored their video or is it due to another technical reason?  As all Marinwood CSD watchers know, the Marinwood CSD REGULARLY doctors documents and agendas and minutes to avoid embarrassment.